Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

so true buddy your great at balancing you should be on the gaijin balancing team!

and after fighting F15Cs in a gen one harrier airframe, it should be no where near them either

Nice, more eastern vehicles to the game…
We got Finland, Hungary, China, Russia, India and then Warsaw… Please, no more T-55, T-72, T-80, MIG, SU, Yak and lagg planes anymore…

And why would they??
Look at how many unique vehicles Hungary, Finland, Taiwan and South Africa have… When was the last time we got a unique model for those Subs…
So why bother making new models for a new nation.

my point exactly, why does the Shar have to stay at 12.3 when you have super sonic planes with all aspect missiles with IRCCM at 11.0 and 11.3

Because its not the 9Ms. If it was only the 9Ms then it would be barely be 11.3

Its the Blue Vixen + AMRAAM why its 12.3 and why 12.0 might be a larger ask. Though I dont think an unreasonable ask

VISEGRAD is no option anymore due to:
Hungary being introduced to Italy,
Poland to Britain and Germany,
Slovakia and Czechia to USSR.

Romania (not VISEGRAD) is for Italy.

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im gonna be 100 with you here, trying them on the dev, if the person has half a brain cell its not hard to dodge, not to mention pretty much all 11.0 would still mop the floor with a Shar FA2 in a dog fight because its flight performance is that of a god damn 9.7

Poland isn’t a subtree or subnation, it just has vehicles split across those two.

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Eastern communist pact is still possible

Czechoslovakia (Main) Poland & Bulgaria (Sub) that’s enough to make a nation out off.

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I never said its a sub nation.

I think you are missing the point of those new TTs.

At this point. There will be no C&P free nations. They dont exist. What does exist, especially within the context of GRB. Is adding nations with different available combination of vehicles.

Running Ukrainian T-72s in the same line-up as Polish Leopards and F-16s, etc etc.

Its about creating interesting amalgam nations

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Czechoslovakia already has vehicles spread in the USSR tree.

You said unavailable due to being in Britain and Germany. That is simply untrue as I pointed out.

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They can be hidden and rereleased as did the Israeli premiums were

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BeNeLux has that.
Especially when you add nations like Suriname, Congo and Indonesia to it.

That would be possible, but very slight.

mfw they have a single copy paste tank and its french

ARB is just a bad enviroment for the FRS1. In Sim the SHar dominates because it can be employed well. Though it has a long list of buffs it can get.

We’ll have to see how the FA 2 does on live, but I slapped more than a fair share of better aircraft with it on the dev server and thats with AMRAAM underperforming quite a lot

No that been done loads of times,

Italian props, Israeli premiums, Swedish Strv ect

Poland main and Czecho-Bulgar sub. But yes, that tree would be way better than Israel.

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