Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

I see no reason why the Ajax would be terrible in WT.

it’s got a good gun, good mobility, good optics/gun handling

I’m not sure about the armour, but its an IFV its armour is never going to be good.

The nice thing about the Ajax (and EBRC Jaguar) is that their 40mm CTA cannon is belt fed, its not clip fed like the BOFORS 40mm on the CV90s.

That means the Ajax can fire continuously, unlike the CV90 which must manually reload ammo after it fires off its 24 ready rounds.

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Yeah but tech moderators like @WaretaGarasu are simply volunteer helpers. You can ping them whatever questions you want. They volunteered for it.

They are not official GJ representatives.

They are subject to respecting management just like anyone else. Additionally we are customers. A level of respect goes both way


@WaretaGarasu isn’t that right?

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Everytime you ping a mod the update is pushed back a day


Not always. Quite a few challenger 2 reports that might have been fixed, but the associated reports have yet to be updated

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Don’t put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!

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“Wipe is on Thursday” pushes the wipe one week back.

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I see, thanks for your reply!

I just find disappointing that issues that were reported with the solutions served on a silver plate and acknowledged half a year ago are still seemingly not close to being actually addressed.

Well, I will hold my hopes for this major update! There was no indication of fixes coming during the dev server, but, with any luck, maybe these issues will still be solved with the final update’s arrival.

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I think you shouldn’t ping people that much


AV-8B Night Attack & AV-8B Plus from USMC, F/A-18A+ & F/A-18C/D Hornet and F/A-18E Blk I mounted AGM-65F

Sadly gajin not ready add AGM-65F Maverick on AV-8B Plus for USA and italy tech tree this major update

Hopefully gajin working AGM-65F Maverick for AV-8B Harrier II Plus for (USMC & Italian Navy) in Q3

AGM-65D & AGM-65G replace by AGM-65E & AGM-65F on USMC AV-8B Plus in the same time

In fact AGM-65F unlike AGM-65G

Italian Navy (Marina Militare Italiana) AV-8B Plus armed AGM-65G but not AGM-65E because USMC AV-8B carry AGM-65E

I want AGM-65F swap AGM-65D on AV-8B Plus (ITA) for third major update

I believe USA tech tree received 2 attack aircraft at 11.7 ~ 12.0 before AV-8B Plus (USMC) in the future.

please for the love of snail. Stop pinging people. Are you trying to get banned or something?


Tags once
gets ignored
tags again

What’s the play here?

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Yeah…… but I think buying the F-20 Tigershark was not a good idea. But I am no one to dictate what others spend their money on.

I also purchased it…

Moral of the story: It’s not my business to interject what others do or do not do.

Hope this information helps.

I got my answer didn’t I???

I only tagged a second time because people like you think GJ does not answer questions about their new vehicles even though they done this for years…

They should add the t58

Me: watching the discussion descend into insanity while I’m just waiting for news on the update…



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Is the old forum going to be deleted on this week?

No, that 's next year:

The old forum will remain available on this link for another two years in read-only mode.

( Transition to a new forum - Project News - War Thunder - Official Forum )


What?! Two years already?! I better get my kfir data (actually has a visual hud with acm modes & is not just a rangefinder.)

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Me too man me too