I’m actually kinda interested in that aspect of it lol
Actually Smin provided the link developers used in modeling the Kfir way back. I have to find it. I do have the advertisement page of the Elta though.
The Elta variant is a PD radar designed for low flying within visual range combat. Israel’s combat doctrine is close quarters low flying. Visually identification is critical since many enemies of the IAF flew Mirages too.
The Elta works as an ACM with visual targeting signatures on the hud with additional FoV modes to capture a target that flies within the radars sight.
GJ felt this was not important or different enough over a range finder and why it’s modeled as is in game.
I would ping Smin if they still have that link on standby.
But I was advised I reached the 3 day ping limit by tech moderator. @WaretaGarasu
(will message smin though now).
Can’t the Kfir’s radar also sort-of provide gun ranging info?
I don’t remember reading that. Because I was entirely focused on the radars ability to search. But I would be very surprised if it did not.
What are the rules of a tag team ? lol
There’s none lol. It’s just common courtesy not to ping someone repeatedly unless directly speaking to or requesting participation.
I am just having a laugh because people made it such a big deal all in an effort side step & dilute the premise/point of the conversation I had regarding the new vehicles in first place. In which I am still correct.
Personally I don’t care about pings especially like you said if you got information or want people to to look at the stuff you want to talk about. I mean like they are there for that very thing
Everyone could have saved a lot of time because you got exactly the answer that everyone with a few braincells was already expecting.
That’s exactly what the feature is used for to bring attention to those tagged as well. You don’t have to reply to it. People tag individuals to highlight compliments.
How odd that something so irrelevant to a conversation needs to be made a big ordeal out of it?
if you must resort to counting tags in a conversation because you have nothing else to complain about or say. You really did not have any reason to be involved in that conversation in the first place & are merely looking for likes.
For example this guy.
Apparently people were late to work today because I decided to ask a question in the RR topic & clarified how GJ operates.
If anything we actually learned something because of my insistence. That we can refer to the other community managers with products soon to be released so we don’t have to hound one every update.
and thus War thunder 3.0 is here and shall the G.1 be born
[Happy Fokker G1 noises]
I’m going to be really disappointed if anyone 's surprised to see all the static SAM 's, radars and ballistic missiles in the CDK after this drops.
I still have to scroll past your posts asking questions that they already knew the answer to, but just didn’t like that answer.
It might have only been seconds, but I still won’t get those seconds back.
i was right ^^
Let’s go! Perfect day for me
(Again this is just for the comedic relief, pls no general offensive)
YES FINALLY its been so long
And now the wait for the September update and thus the Anti C&P hater noises continue even more