Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

@Smin1080p Hey how was your vacation?
Also can you tell us if there are still some suprises when the Major drops or did we see everything already?
Simply awnser with Yes/No :)

Each to there own, freedom of speech, having a laugh.

I just think the worlds becoming too political, and soft over every aspect, but that’s just me
People need to toughen up a little

Well freedom of speech =/= freedom of the consequences usually.

I wouldn’t report someone if I saw those decals (hell I doubt I would even notice as I’m terrible at noticing decals lol), I also think I get the joke in these decals.

I’m not disputing that, totally agree

As it stands it was open for exploitation from the very beginning, as soon as the tank was introduced, it was going to get abused, imho it shouldn’t have had the label (name) put onto the tank

its like the number 8 and 0, i see that in plenty matches and again I’ve not personally done that, it doesn’t offend me i find it quite funny at times

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@Smin1080p Is there any possibility the Su-27SM and MiG-29SMT will be getting a laser designator?

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i don’t find it offensive or inappropriate, its subjective, i have personal links to the meaning with a close (disabled) member of my family and they find it hilarious, but why should i conform to everybody else’s views.

its like some people will find it funny, and some people will take it to the grave, its as simple as that, you cant please everybody

When is the update?

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That’s amazing.
Almost as if it wasn’t promised in the devblog for it right?

Likely somewhere next week.

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Awwww ._.

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Anything about the Gripen C getting their MAWs? The report was acknowledged 5 months ago also anything for any other vehicles with MAWs coming?

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I personally expect Tuesday, but I could be very wrong ofcourse.

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Of course there is a possibility that it could be a boat, it was only changed due to the D-Day 80 year celebration / Event, so it has every right to be a boat, as it was swapped.

They confirmed next event will be a ship/boat of some form. It’ll just start a month after the current event ends.

I would agree with that assumption too

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I really hope so. I’m almost ready with italy rank VII ground, so I’m almost ready to start grinding my top 4 vehicles this update when it releases.

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I’ve already done USA, Germany, Russia, Britain, Japan and China ground. 100% completed

currently having a little break and then working on France (only 1 left)


Italy (4 left)
Israeli (6 left)

Then onto my Air Trees


My personal top 4 for this update is F-15C, 2A7HU, Namer, AV-8B+ in around that order.

I have all of them lined up and ready to grind except for the 2A7HU.

Kind of sad that I couldn’t add the 2A4M to my top 4/5, because it looks awesome and I was excited about it at first, but on the dev server it was just to meh/bad for me to really be hyped about.

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Honestly this patch for me is the worst one, i don’t find anything that’s coming interesting.

I couldn’t tell you why, its just how i feel

i’m still going to get everything but, i just don’t feel excited for it


I get that. I’m very excited for the Fokker G.1, but that’s it honestly