Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

Think we might see helicopter-specific missions in the upcoming WWM season ?

@Smin1080p may I ask, will J-8F get it’s MAWS which lost for a long time?

and some new proof of it can firing PL-11, though rejected somehow, but I think need to be mentioned.

last, the IRCCM missile problem in my topic

Its currently not planned in the major update. We also have no reports open on this (that I can find anyway). The Mirage 2000 was reported some time ago.


Anything on Spirale chaff dispensers for Mirage 2000s (C-S5, 5F, 4000 and 2000D)?

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it’s mentioned in dev stream, but said tobe “ufinished”, and here is the evidence, the little optical probe in tail, I’m creating an issue rightnow.
J-8F lacks MAWS // // Issues


@Smin1080p are there any plans for the ja37d to receive rb99?

No, they said it should and will stay where it is

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@Smin1080p Will the next event be a boat? Since it got skipped last time for the Churchill.

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i hope so

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A French coastal would be neat


Wont happen, cause then the CBT pack would be meaningless.

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WW1 plane would be funny, but not gonna happen

Yeah should be a boat.

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<3 Love you too buddy

P.S - your never going to see me use it anyways, as its useless

Anyway I thought this would be class as

  1. Bullying
  2. Xenophobia

Also something about changing decals meaning to something else too iirc.


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It could viewed as offensive or innapropriate behavior, but I don’t know what it would have to do with xenophobia.