Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

If they add Czechoslovakia to USSR,we gonna riot, cause the hatred towards USSR and Russia due to our past with them is great. They occupied us for 40 years.


we literally got 4 things worth mentioning this update and 3 of them are playing catch up, like idk what your complaint here is? would you have rathered we wait even longer for these to come so china or israel 2 nations that were added long after the UK get what one more tank or plane?

Plenty of things have been introduced since. You were making a direct comparison of those 5 South African vehicles. What you claimed was not correct.

Israel wasn’t even in the game then. So its a little hard for it to be getting more at that stage.


and that’s the main reason why a good “Warsaw pact” nation would work well. Give a place for a lot of those former block nations to get their stuff but seperate TT to that of the soviets

For the record I have nothing to do with today’s influx of direct pings. Yup


Also not separating it would give Russia Gripen and F-16C,which noone really wants to see.

Yeah… Still waiting for the Ukrainian Abrams to appear in the soviet TT as an event vehicle

What on earth has gone on here since I’ve taken a 5 min break lol

I honestly do not oppose Ukrainian sub tree in the Soviet tech tree. They have unique variants & designs are of Soviet origin.

Would like to have their Mig29MU1

If the goal is to get the vehicles in the game. I think it’s worth getting Ukrainian vehicles in WT.

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someone complaining the UK of all nations is getting to many additions compared to China or Israel

I mean for me if this Cough continues then Ukraine could be a good sub too a Warsaw pact nation.

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No i didnt say that

ehhhh I dont think that will ever happen, not with the current war and all, and especially ukraine now having, leo 2A6s M1A2s and Challenger 2s

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Tell me the gap between the Phantom and the Gripen/Tornado

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^this ias what i said

you were saying?

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“Why not add less vehicles to Britain” just shot yourself m8 lol

no, i didnt say Britain is getting to much. Never said that.
Britain got the avarage amount of vehicles that The US, USSR are getting on an update basis.
Around 5-8

then why say and I quote “Why not add less vehicles to Britain”

5 to 8? are you blind?