Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

Man needs to adjust his replies off of scattergun mode then.

They do it even has its own native produced ammo and internals I believe

oh boy, surely it will be good (clueless)

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Really hoping for north Korea one day.
I need myself a Chonma ho


The T-90SM and T-90 MK.3/ Bhishma MK.3

I also think the indian choice is questionable, although I also partially don’t like the other options that much. I’m very much against just unncessicarily porting other nation’s vehicles to different nations just because.

Which is why I was and still am against tanks like the M1A1 AIM going to britain.

I really like the idea of the upgraded jordanian CR1s. Could make for decent 10.7-11.0 vehicles in either the SA or vickers line.

I hope not 10.7 or 11.0 as they would DOA since we dont have a single tank at those BRs

also if we must have copy paste slop I would still far rather have a nation close to the UK and one that still actually fucking uses western tech not the sorry excuse india will be in the british tree

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They’d easily be 11.0 or higher to my knowledge

If tanks added to a BR gap are DOA, why do Japan mains want tanks to fill the gaps if they would almost all be DOA?

KE-W with a crewless turret is pretty easily 11.0 material, since the Merkava Mk.3s are also 11.0.

difference is, japan with the right sub tree would get a meaningful amount of additions at those BRs a single Jordanian challenger 1 would have no place in any line up, no point up BRing the other challenger 1s and cant bring it at 11.3 or 11.7 as we have literally 7 or 8 other challenger 2s all that would be better then it

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Subtree is one line only though usually. They could only really get 2 vehicles in 1 br bracket which would still leave gaps

I mean look at the SA tree, it has other tanks not in the actual line, the ZTA3A and the ZT-35 and the other 2 AAs I cant remember how to spell lol

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Bosvark and Ystervark.


Man, I’m just so excited to finally get a Harrier II

Update today ?

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Tomorrow, probably.


No idea. I was voicing my excitement at getting the Harrier II when the update comes out, whenever that may be lol.

Aren’t updates normally Thursday? Or am I just remembering wrong.

No, tomorrow Hungary plays against Germany, European Football Championship. There is no update.
And I hope Germany doesn’t win, otherwise the F4 ICE will definitely lose two AIM 120s, and each Leopard two cm of armor.