Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

We are not getting two new aircraft. The Su-27SM is a copy paste (FM performance wise & radar) & the Mig-29 SMT is… I don’t want to talk about it :(

The F-15C’s are the premier legendary versions of the Eagle (or should be).

The F-16’s Block 50s have the best thrust to weight of the entire series 2024 (except Block 60) & carries 6x Aim-120s & can dogfight with them.
Not knocking them. They are amazing aircraft & missiles.

The USSR just got R-77s this update for the same two aircraft.
I know we had the R-27ER this whole time… But I am not asking for additional top tier fighters & more missile types.
I am asking for a little-bity Mig-21 with just a couple of R-77s. That’s reasonable I think…

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Btw I wasnt totally wrong back then.
Unfortunately in my country this thing is hunted to extinction

No, you are not totally wrong good sir.


I guess it’s a different variant lol

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Mriga means deer btw

Gonna take good eyes on this part !

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oh, God.

You know what I take it back. No R-77 for the Indians.


Actually, Sanskrit is a language of many different ethnicities. Its only referring to Sanskrit. Not Hindi. Did you cross check the word in Hindi?

Indian Rafale when?

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If Gaijin act cool, never selected.

South African mirage and Indian Rafale


Poor English, having a so low military industry that they want the things from the country they spit about every other time x))))

I want an Indian Flanker.

Yooooo Brittain is going to have all the aircraft types of the Soviet Union & modern day RuF…

I am starting to like this “commonwealth” approach GJ wants to run with…

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Oh hai Hyrikul.
I got the 10RC
I hate it, would it kill a frenchman to give a tank a ruddy stabiliser?!?!

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Howdy and Congratulations ! Hope you will enjoy it beside the lack of stab.

But don’t look at us for the stab, look at Gaijin not giving stab variants of French stuff in the TT, because we have made a stab variant of this one too:


I don’t remember France being a British Colony, pretty much the reverse actually~

I meant them.

You guys helped us win our independence. We owe our freedom to the French, sir.

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I mean if we wanna look at the History of Canada then I mean…

Just a mixture of Native Americans, the French, and the British

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Oh ****, I ran this through google translator just to make sure and that a major bomb shell hint.

I bet they would fill out rest of the Vickers line and a few SPAA’s.

What ? I don’t get it? I say something bad?

You guys like so much the dollars… We give you a cool and big statue in copper, and you cover it in green ! Damn capitalist! /s

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Ah nvm over thinking it.