Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Cow and Bison isnt the same thing. They only consider cow as holy. Bulls, Bisons, Buffalos dont count.

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They are not going to name their aircraft as the Female version. No disrespect to females here.

Unless the Black Widow.

The cow & bison are the most revered animals in this culture. It is also not just a mythical aircraft. It is truly capable. Even the United States Airforce has noted it & did not brush it off as any old Mig-21.

I dont think there are Bisons in India.

Im gunna call it the Mig-21 BigMac


That’s a water buffalo

Playing Air Sim as NATO
“Hey, there’s a MiG-21 in the distance, do we engage?”
“Nah, it’s just the Big Mac, we’re all good”

Better than the callsign given for the MiG-15


This is a water buffalo.

Yes. I forgot the name of it. Its called Gaur

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Bison are usually larger and have larger humps, with the body, more specifically head and chest area, having drastically more hair/fur
North American Bison for reference

edit: nvm, North American Bison are hairier compared to the indian ones due to climate/environment differences


Meant to say, more like a happy meal

Yeah because everything is bigger in the states. Mega fauna were native here besides Africa too.

We hunted them all to oblivion pretty much. Even wild horses were large but hunted to extinction until the Spanish brought them over.

All wild horses in the Americas today are of European & Arabian decent.

Even the American Bison is not as big as it once was, they are mixed (forgot which type) in effort to restore the population.

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From the Hanger, click the menu burger top left,
then go settings > Main parameters > Main parameters, although the game should drop you there by default.
Then you want the [Loading Screen Filter] button, which is located below the auto-login toggle, and above the buttons for Show Hidden Notifications & PostFX settings.
From there you should be able to view and/or disable any loading screens you want.

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games are going to be like this soon, god help simulator battles lol



gaijin slowly making sim players loser their minds trying to PID that Mig21 as either, German, Chinese, Russian or British

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you forgot the finnish one

None of the above and you have just teamkilled a Hungarian MiG-21

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You forgot the Finnish and HuAF version, soon Israel will get their lancer as well

ah sorry forgot about that

sorry it’s the PTSD from stock grinding the AMX10RC

Oh I see nothing wrong with you wanting MiG 21-93, it’s just that USSR is still getting two aircrafts with R-77, as MiG29SMT could already do that (and not just it but doesnt matter).
MiG 21-93 would be third, thats what I meant.
I want MiG 21-93 myself.