Amx 10 TML (late)

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Today, I would like to introduce the least known member of the TML family: the AMX 10 RC TML (late). It’s worth noting that this vehicle was never showcased to the public, and as such, it likely never received an official name.


Very little is known about this specific vehicle. From what we understand, it was produced concurrently with the Vextra’s development, serving as a testbed for integrating the modernization of the TML turret onto a wheeled hull. This modernization primarily aimed to address the early TML’s shortcomings by equipping the turret with a default two-axis stabilizer (which became an option for the early TML by late 1994), the Savan 15 gunner sight, and a Vixy panoramic sight.

This part turned out to be false and i would like to excuse myself for writing it.
As it turns out the amx 10 with the tml late was made when they swaped the vextra’s turret for the 120 mm FER (i wrote a suggestion about it too) as this was the only things that could still house the tml turrets that they had under the hand, This hull being the one that was used to test the earky tml.
It was later donated to the military museum of troye where it sleep in their reserved, being visitable during the European Heritage Day (the third we of september).



The modernized TML turret is slightly heavier (by about 1 ton) than the TK105, and since the hull underwent no modifications, this AMX 10 RC would weigh approximately 17 tons, giving it a power-to-weight ratio of 16.40 hp/t.


The TML turrets are equipped with the 105mm G2 gun manufactured by GIAT. The ammunition details, credited to @CaID, are as follows:

  • Rifled tank gun, designed as a lightweight gun capable of firing high-pressure rounds.

    Created in the late '90s to replace the CN-105 F2 as a lightweight, large-caliber gun, the G2 didn’t achieve significant success. The gun utilized the same ammunition as the CN-105 mle 62 used in the AMX-30. Although less powerful than the CN-105 mle 62, it surpassed the CN-105 F2 in strength and was suitable for light tanks. It was employed on several light vehicles, either for export or as potential replacements for current service vehicles.

    • Weight: 1610kg
    • Magazine: None
    • Barrel Caliber: L/50
    • Round Size: 105 × 617R mm
    • Rate of Fire: 10 rpm
    • Effective Range: 2000 m

    Used in Vehicles: Mars 15 TML-105, AMX 10 RC TML-105, Vextra

    Ammunition Details:
    standard APFSDS rounds in service for the CN-105 F1. the round used a tungsten dart.

projectile weight : 3.8 kg

projectile velocity : 1500 m/sec

penetration (estimated)

348 mm at 100 meter, angle 0°

340 mm at 500 meter, angle 0°

331 mm at 1000 meter, angle 0°

322 mm at 1500 meter, angle 0°

312 mm at 2000 meter, angle 0°


Improved APFSDS rounds in service for the CN-105 F1 since 1993. it have a heavier tungsten core and same velocity than the OLF 105 F1. it was reported to have 20% more penetration.

projectile weight : 4.0 kg

projectile velocity : 1500m/sec

penetration (estimated)

358 mm at 100 meter, angle 0°

351 mm at 500 meter, angle 0°

343 mm at 1000 meter, angle 0°

334 mm at 1500 meter, angle 0°

325 mm at 2000 meter, angle 0°


same as the the OLF G2 but with older powder charge. the velocity was lower.

projectile weight : 4.0 kg

projectile velocity : 1455 m/sec (estimated)

penetration (estimated)

350 mm at 100 meter, angle 0°

343 mm at 500 meter, angle 0°

335 mm at 1000 meter, angle 0°

323 mm at 1500 meter, angle 0°

308 mm at 2000 meter, angle 0°


improved round in service from 1992, it was having a heavier core made of depleted Uranium.

projectile weight : 4.0 kg

projectile velocity : 1500 m/sec

as i am not familar with the Depleted uranium core, i am unable to estimate the penetration.

OCC 105 F1 (HEAT)

standard Heat round for the CN-105 F1, it was also know as Obus G.

projectile weight : 10.95 kg

projectile velocity : 980 m/sec


400 mm at any-distance, angle 0°

OE 105 F1 Mle.60 (HE)

standard high explosive round for the CN-105 F1

projectile weight : 12.1 kg

projectile velocity : 690 m/sec

explosive weight : 2 kg (TNT equivalent)

OFPH 105 F1

standard smoke round for the CN-105 F1

projectile weight : 11.4 kg

projectile velocity : 690 m/sec


The vehicle accommodates a crew of four: a loader, a gunner, a commander, and a driver. The gunner and commander are positioned on the right side of the turret, while the loader is on the left. The driver is located in the hull.


Details about the hull and turret’s armor are provided, indicating protection against specific threats.

Unfortunately, only one image of this vehicle exists. However, this turret is renowned for being mounted on the VEXTRA, though the gun shield seems to have been omitted when this turret was affixed to GIAT’s masterpiece. This is likely why there aren’t many representations of it.
As for now the gunshield has been removed, puting it as the same level of protection of the vextra.
It s however important to note that the turret recieve spallliner as seen in meumeu’s picturse


extra picturse and current state thanks to @meumeu03


Special thanks to @LeGrandSarrazin, @CaID, @nxdefiant001, and @Tantor57 for their assistance in identifying and collecting information about this tank. Also, gratitude to Skylancer for sharing his extensive database with us.

you can find my og suggestion there: AMX 10RC TML(late) the long lost brother of the vextra - France - War Thunder - Official Forum


Stabilizer and thermals would really make this a killer. +1

Oh you are missing the closing ) in the title.

You just copied your old contents? I just want to add one: these penetration data are outdated since ofl105f1 has changed to 361mm. According to CaID’s latest old forum suggestion, G2 will be 433mm and F2 will be 462.


I want these rounds added to AMX32 105 and maybe AMX30 C2 if that ever comes to game

Oh yes

ok so a big update @meumeu03 managed to find the amx 10 with the tml, wich were stocked at the military museum of troye. Unlike what I speculated, this montage was realised when they swapped the vextra’s tml for the 120 FER, due to them missing something to stock the tml turrets.He managed to take many picturse which would be added to the suggestion. Also as a little bit of trivia, the hull was the one used to showcased and test the early tml on the amx 10


i guess i can only take part of the credit for the ammunition but hey, it’s nice to have the credit

+1 , need more stabised vehicles (+ i may have involontarly claimed the new pics where from a different tank on a specific forum page , due to a miss-understanding on my part , oops)


+1! Approved for me, it could be really interesting to have between AMX 10 RC and VEXTRA as wheel vehicule in the french tech tree

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That’s incredible wow I thought it was lost for good.