Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

We haven’t announced any naval aspects of BeNeLux yet. Just an air tree so far with more to come.

New squadron vehicles are planned across multiple nations. We don’t have anything spesific to announce at this moment in time.


popcorn for dov bleg today?

@Smin1080p any Tonka news? Are we getting our 1200 chaff this update?

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also will the gripen c get its maw ?

The countermeasures on Tornado was one of the reasons for developing the seperate countermeasures system. So they are planned to come to the aircraft yes.


Thank god. Let’s hope the Tonka gets some other stuff finished this update as well

Any chance of an NF-5A this patch?

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Great, that isnt a NO.
So, i hope we get their Naval aspects!

I’m really excited for more Fokkers and future Koolhoven planes!

And i think you will like these too.


Same for me!! The more Dutch planes the better!!

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Yeah in general I am happy with much content not there yet because that means future patches are more likely to have a Dutch vehicle here or there, prolonging the hype.

Having said that, was hoping for a nice premium Dutch jet for that gucci premium feeling when the tree gets first introduced.


Yeah I totally get that!

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but also this patch?

I sure hope that the actual unique planes wont be premium, event or battlepass like Finland and Hungary.

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Excellent time to cause a health hazard

New squadron vehicles are always welcome, especially high tier planes, which are great for both Air RB (only one life) and ground RB (killing cancerous CAS planes)

This should have been the squadron vehicle instead of the T-90.

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would i be considered insane if i said it would be fine if they gave the SMT the 77-1 and the tornado and f4 the C-5?

its weird we havent seen a devblog in like three days.

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I also hope there are vehicles being added that arent on the dev server, trailer or teaser.
Perhaps some more Dutch planes e.g.

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