Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Another update (.23 to .24) have came to the dev server but I looked around and found 0 change.

Damn, i assumed it would be cheaper as i only knew compared prices of the ASRAAM and IRIST. No wonder america didn’t want us selling the ASRAAM, no one would have brought the 9x otherwise… i mean, im not sure many has.

They removed the deploying time for the desert warrior, so we wont have to wait half a year to fire our missiles at least.

today: how Not giving AiM-9M to the Germans made them take over the Export IR homing missile market


And the gunner’s foot in T-72 is 200% going through the autoloader XD

FIne, ill do it myself. basically every time Germany get’s slightly shafted and decided to make something themselves.

I’ve already said several times at this point that India is a sub nation of the British tree and it’s vehicles have already and will be deployed there for the ones that are selected to be introduced.


They added the driving controls and other units into the t80, but the auto loader still hasn’t been modelled. i hope its not going to be volumetric where they take their time adding it.

Personally i think there would be better nation to choose insted of India, but okay…As long as no more Czehcoslovakian stuffs go into USSR im happy.


Wait its nearly double but so much worse lol?

made in USA compared to Made in Badenwürtemberg

Sadly further argentinian vehicles got declined for germany apparently.

Here is to hope switzerland will help out.

While other nations like britain and france are getting multiple sub trees while having just as many potential vehicles as germany

I think it got given the mark up that happens when your government is run by companies like Lockheed lol. Although, the one good thing about that, is that you get a MASSIVE military and cool toys to use.

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When can the afterburner in game looks like what it is in the loading screen.It’s so beautiful


Where are you getting those numbers from?

AIM-9X has the same 5 inch body diameter as all other Sidewinders and is 9ft. 11 in. (3.02) long compared to 9ft. 5 in. (2.87 m) for the AIM-9M. The wingspan is different, but that is obvious due to the different wing design.

The amount of changes made in the AIM-9X are comparable to other Sidewinder iterations. For example:

AIM-9H → AIM-9L = New GCS (and front fins), new warhead, new fuse.

AIM-9M → AIM-9X = New GCS (and front fins), new TVC unit (and rear fins).


Marut for UK tree soon right?!?!?!

I know just some people still don’t believe it.

I hope there would be tech tree vehicles soon than just premium fillers.

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Su-30 hehe

Bison dovbleg when


Don’t worry I’m sure we’re cooking up something spectacular for the NGAD 😉