Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

i think itll suit air rb, puttin git in air sb would just cause matches to be who can see whoever first… although thinking about it the tornado radar does just outclass everything it see’s in terms of notching and range. so maybe it would work. i think with smaller games with 10 vs 10 no multipathing may actually work.

Or, i may be speaking crazy, uptiers are 4 vs 8 with the 8 being all lower brs. seems strange but kinda makes sense as the higher brs can 1 vs 2 at the very least while the lower brs can just swarm them. i just want gameplay to be more methodical rather than who can get the missile off first. although for this we would need team work (in war thunder? laughable) and some kind of ecm.

Was just thinking, with the implementation of split countermeasures seen on the dev, would we finally see the correct split of flares and chaff on the GR1 tornado instead of just being limited to the max number of flares carried, and maybe even the return of our phimat pods?

That is the hope/dream at the moment

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damn, they are actually trying to make it usable lol.

It should be happening


Nice stuff, no FM tho :(

And at this point it probably won’t be fixed for at least another year

At least we can get a few memes of tonkas sitting at space being untouchable

We might get more stuff yet, but we’ll have to wait and see. Im not even entirely sure the chaff is coming this update. Smin’s response was… deliberately unclear.

But at least it is actually planned.

Im kinda expecting the Tornado overhaul to come with the next round of Tornados IDSs

Still far off in the future probably. Even still this would have been a great opportunity especially with the F.3 late coming in.

Still dev cycle so stuff could happen but with the amount of other stuff coming I’d say 99.9% we are waiting 3-6 months for the FM fixes minimum.

Keep the copium rolling

Yeah. Though I hoped the same with the WTD61…

But yeah… Its the bottom of their to-do list. Maybe after the Su-24 is added Tornado will get some love

Fat chance there lol, one and a half years after the tonkas are added they have barely functioning flight models and numerous overlooks/bugs

Btw i forget is this purely for the GR/IDS tornadoes or will the 1200 chaff apply to the F3/F3 Late?

Only IDSs. Its the BOZ pods on the wings that carry the flares. SHould have 28 flares and 600 chaff each.

Though Tornado ADVs (or at least F3s but I assume italy as well) do have an outstanding Phimat pod they can get. Swap out 1x Aim-9 for an extra 210 chaff.

(And the Tornado Gr1 can get 2x BOL rails ontop of that as well)

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Thanks for clarifying this, would be great to see them get the boatload of chaff.

Yep, need to cause an ecological disaster :P

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We could get phimat pods

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That chaff is actually considered to be of minimal ecological impact, it’s the effect’s to humans that the problems lmao. The stuff is basically fiberglass. Not so good for your lungs

Im not against that kind of warfare (in game) . One way to deal with the Pantsirs. Just kill the occupants with chaff


Wasnt there a picture of an F.3 with BOZ pods on? if they give it the 1200 chaff, it may be interesting to be able to take and extra 1200 for when im up at 40km and trying to notch an r27er (my main hope for this update is that people replace their 7f/ms and r27ers with ARH missiles as they have less range, meaning i could get an advantage in range).

BTW, anyone know how to notch a missiles coming directly from bellow you? I cant seem to do it, even spamming chaff does nothing for it.

Phimat and Towed decoys