Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yeah, the GR.1 is apparently suffering catastrophic lack of countermeasures, I’m sure @John_Sneeeeeeeew won’t mind me nabbing his screengrab. It’s also super inconsistent

It also doesn’t get the 1 million chaff (something in that range of figures lmao) like it should…

Mirage 2000 got its “Almost” historical CM, Tornado should’ve this too. Ironically, it’s bugged rn lmao.

Also with Mirage F1, currently now Mirage F1 have combined Large Calibre CM and Small Calibre CM. I don’t think it’s impossible to model the 1200 chaff other than consideration not to model it because it would absolutely become monstrous in GRB.

Stole my screenshot, die. /j


@Gunjob so… you know what happend? Did they just forget about the tornado in the end?

Its a bug affecting alot of aircraft, Mirage 2000 has a similiar issue with CMs.

@Smin1080p is the Tornado BOZ pod fix still being worked on?

It seems that the New countermeasure system would allow 28 flares / 600 chaff per pod to be implemented.

The F-20A has one 15 shot configurable dispenser and one 30 shot flare only dispenser. And it works exactly as you’d expect it to in game:

Surely the Devs can now give each BOZ pod a 28 shot configurable dispenser and a 600 shot chaff only dispenser? Essentially mimicking what the F-20A has.

They could presumably even give each pod a 28 shot flare only dispenser and a 600 shot chaff only dispenser, to be truly realistic.

The report is still open as it’s not been finished.


Is phimat planned now? i cant remember if you have answered that sorry if you have.

It’s not currently.

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Alright, thanks for the response, do you know if tornado getting stock irccm is possible with the KVS now getting that treatment?

I mean it should’ve been in game months ago but either they couldn’t be bothered or never solved the issue with it on the Jaguars and crashing the game…

So… Another update, still no work for the tornado… Such a shame

Not long now, it’ll only be another 2-3 years

It does have an updated radar scope at least

Barely even noticed it. Rather disappointed with this update. no chaff, not even hindenburg tanks. I slightly get the Gr1, maybe the tank would need a reskin. But come-on. Not even the F3 got them.

Least the F.3 Late got the Hindenburg’s.

Question for all, did the F.3 really not have an all-aspect radar?

For the Auto-ACM mode thing?

Yeag as far as I’m aware there was no MPRF mode

Yeah, no MPRF but it is one of the best all-aspect radars in game :D

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no it didnt get mprf, doesnt change much in game