Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (28.02.2025)

You guys should come to the conclusion that F-15 can, and F-16 can’t.
And whenever you get around to adding F-2 to Japan, the switch to reduce the AOA-limits is on the throttle. [Increases the G-limit from 9 to 12.]


With the Update the PzH 2000 lost its ability to reload if the Autoloader is broken, but IRL it can also be operated manually, thats why theres the Seat of the Autoloader
I assume this wont change alone and we need to report?

Unrelated, but Smin. Is there a chance for a mishmash Su-30SM with better engines?

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Bruh. Why don’t you add it to planes that don’t have limiters so they can pull those maneuvers too? Like the F-16 I understand but planes like the Mig-29 and F-14 that didn’t have limiters should be able to switch to those modes as they can switch from dampened SAS to Manual in Sim. That’s just apart of how they perform.

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How much evidence is needed for this?

I’m asking because all the JAS39 variants quite literally has both a “FCS ← → Off” and a “Avionics ← → Off” switch in the cockpit (for the A variant its in Swedish “Avionik ← → F” and for some reason “[BLANK] ← → Off”). They are all located by the right elbow of the pilot. I’m uncertain if any other evidence of this function is publicly available, but honestly, one might think that having such a switch to begin with would be enough evidence in of itself x) .


Simply anything showing that these switch disable any AoA limits on the aircraft.


Thanks for the answer! ^^

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What about the F-14’s? They didn’t have an AoA limiter so there’s nothing to override which should in theory let them act like the aircraft with the AoA overrides.

Also the Eurofighter does have a AoA override of sorts, it has a Manual Pitch Override which would act the same as the AoA override on other aircraft.


If I understand correctly, War Thunder’s mouse aim has a basic inbuilt flight stability feature. This is what you disable when you toggle to full real controls. All aircraft have this assist, even non-flybywire aircraft.

We can already depart controlled flight using this toggle to full real, but sadly you lose the mouse aim while doing so.

@Smin1080p_WT what I would like to see is the ability to disable all flight stability assist features and limiters (like in full real) but still retain mouse aim controls.


“This year we will focus on adding anti air because so many nations need it”

adds rapier (a 10.0 antiair for britain when they dont have a 10.0 lineup and already have tons of 10.0-10.3 AA’s)
nerfs otomatic
adds more CAS
adds more helis

Thanks gaijin… 😔


For those interested I’ve created a report here:

i hope it’s enough :)


Hey Smin I was wondering if Israel would be getting anything else as part of this update or is the premium Netz the only planned addition?

still waiting on a word on the PzH 2000 Spall Liner and Ammo come on its been 3 months one of the rounds can even be copied over from the Japanese Type 99 or is it forgoten again like some other reports like the Ready Rack on the CR2s


can anyone use dev server?
it says connecting to server

devs server isnt like normal server, it has limited processing time so it would take someone like 10 seconds but for others 5-15 minutes
you can reset and rejoin which can help
what i did^


Still waiting on them to acknowledge this in any way, shape, or form. Even just saying “No this is what it’ll be, suck it up.” would be better because they would at least acknowledge that people are protesting it. And give me a reason to stop caring about playing NAB.

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any1 feel the f/a-18a needs more weapons for air to ground role? maybe the laser guided mavericks?’

bit disapointed with it just having bombs and rockets.

The method for controlling the tilt of the aircraft radar antenna has been changed. […]

This change is awesome! Very important quality of live change for top tier Air RB.

They were only able to be carried by the F/A-18 after 1991 so it’s unlikely that the -18A (in this specific configuration) can.