its miserable being british if you couldnt tell
10% of development was the UK :). all that for a silly stealth harrier
green hills or RGB/rainbow geysers?
where british battle ship museums
don’t disrespect the harrier like that lmao
too broke to have them. but there is belfast in london (cruiser)
big sad vanguard wouldve made a nice Museaum piece
honestly i hope the TAV-8B doesnt get added
it was never equipped with weapons, so yeah, it wont
we have Portsmouth, theres HMS victory and mary rose there as well as a couple others. HMS belfast in London. HMS cavalier, HMS gannet and HMS ocelot at Chatham docks. HMS caroline in belfast. there’s a few dotted around
goofy stealth mig21 Called J7IIS some stealth tech demo plane
wouldnt get any countermeasures if they added it either way going off the T10
no battle ships sadly all galleons or 1st rates
Did someone say Chatham ?
i think US is only country with ww1/ww2 battleships and aircraft carriers you can visit as musuem
which is pretty cool imo
one of which is the last british dreadnaught. somewhere in texas I believe
japan has mikasa which classifys as a predread nought battle ship
USS texas was a super dreadnought. and not even british