Idk but its fun
So what is the f-35 only a bomber now?
idk where hes going with this tbh. I’m just enjoying the cope derail this chat again
all operated by a tiny little island with 53B vs 900B in military spending last year
(thats 18 times more)
well F-35 service life only started quite recently. do you have rough number of peak # of harriers and buccaneers at once in UK?
idek either man
didnt UK spend 74.9 billion in 2024?
and you have to consider stuff like how much it costs to supply and maintain all those overseas bases
my guy it aint the cold war anymore the f-22 and f-35 existence and production weren’t kept secret only their specifications were.
Similarly its in Lockheed’s interest to announce the production its not exactly a secret since they scheduled it to start in 2024. Likewise the announcement of production is not going to come with all of its specs is it?
about 230 at peak. not bad for a little island with a military budget as small as it is
it also skyrockets their stock prices when they announce something, while also getting an earworm into possible buyers of the thing
it was a good enough plane for us too sell it too you, and the harrier ii was so good we had to sell you guys the engine.
but, the us and uk have been very tight in our militaries. that a GREAT thing. were youre biggest ally in arms.
Hmmm, I missed that as a family they should, but at the same time, I have no issue if they don’t.
Pre-IMP before the Sea Harrier FA.2. CF-188 IMP 1 and up after. (or UK SQV, but TT is more likely out of the two)
we dumped our harriers because our govt is stingy on good things but will throw trillions into the toilet. we needed a replacement and couldn’t afford to make our own so didn’t really have a choice to not buy the F35
wasn’t this part of the deal for the yanks to get harriers at all? that you guys make the engines and we do most the other stuff
so a little over a third of ONE type of aircraft the US uses, right now, in modern day when amount of stuff we buy is down a lot.
still impressive for small island though
wasnt it the other way around for harrier 2? uk made the engines, but rest of it was US
you guys had a hand in its development. only tier 1 partner and all
yes but the average American airbase has a fleet bigger than a whole continents
yeah the BAE came back in to help with the engine and electionics because the UK govenment is super cheap like that
me when airbase airshow get cancelled because of B-21 flight testing (allegedly)