Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

that is pre ww1 though no?

no the last british battle ship is IJN mikasa she built in britain ordered by japan
Tools of War: Battleship Mikasa — The Military Historian


yes but still is classified as a battle ship

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may be getting mixed up with another ship I’m remembering from a documentary I watched in like the late 2000s

yeah idk then. never heard about any british dreadnoughts in texas lol

are there any aircraft carrier musuem ships outside of US?

thats pretty cool ngl.

if its an american premium, instead of getting nerfed with “balance decisions” that dont make it balanced (and actually purposfully make it unbalanced) it would get the “special treatment” like the F5A and F5C which both NEVER had countermeasures equipt… duality of bias

dont think so

wish it was ingame would be hype to have more pre dreadnoughts i love naval

gaijin knows the brit mains will buy it and still make it work somehow.

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US has more carriers as musuem ships than anyone else has in service lol

this is true

china have some kiev class if that counts

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add it to the ever-growing list of jets missing BOL :(

ive heard about that, but didnt it get abandoned or something?

when is naval gonna get love and affection it deserves from gaijin its got the potential to beat world of warships

Not a naval aircraft.

Lost the ability to take off from carriers.

The CF-188 still has arrestor gear, folding wings, and the catapult thing on the nose wheel.

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we need Iowa class and USS Midway ingame before naval comeback