The tigers armour is where it is at its bare limits. side of the turret and hull are the only spots where it will “penetrate”. its gonna be like the m107 HE shell but less consistent in game most likley
Should of made the AV-8 a skin for British harriers : P
just use any ap round with 120mm plus pen hit gun manlet around barrel kupola or sides or if your a is2 or something similar shoot the corners also almost forgot you can hit the turret ring to
Airframes are quite different though. And the AV-8B actually came before the British harrier 2 no?
Good enough then really for like what, 85% of enemies? No worries so long as post pen isnt awful. (lets be real, its Br will be like 6.3 at most)
It’s more or less the same with Aussie Hornets since they used British missiles iirc
were discussing 76mm HESH for saladin and scorpion, there wasn’t an AP for that gun. the closest current shell in game is the M107 HE shell, but add about 30mm of pen to it and that’s about what to expect
??? Since when do the missiles it carries alter the airframe itself
And ASRAAM is a very long ways away
oh my bad dog
Craziest thing about reading these threads is seeing all the USA fanboys talk up their aircraft so much, in reality the countries that got it right are Russia and Sweden. Here is why; Firstly, SAAB got it right, with ever advancing radar systems, you can only get your RCS so small, the goal is not to be the size of a toaster to the radar, because it will pick you up anyway. The goal is to interfere with radar signals and cause as many distractions as possible, EW is far more important than stealth for the future of aircraft. Here is why Russia got it right; They pursued supermaneuvrability, at the end of the day when EW becomes widely adapted and developed, fights are going to start transitioning from BVR back to WVR again, and there, you can guarantee Russian airframes will win. Stealth is no longer a factor, of course it can’t hurt to maintain a low RCS, but investing fully into developing aircraft with a “low RCS” as it’s primary feature is like investing into a Ghillie Suit when there are infrared drones. In an alternate universe where Russia and the EU were in cooperation, if Sweden and Russia collaborated to make an aircraft together, I guarantee that it would be like nothing the world has ever seen.
no worries.
You were claiming the Aussie Hornet should be a skin, that there would make the Australian skin
ahistorical, as Americans didn’t use ASRAAM.
As for the long way off comment, I remember beginning of last year we were long way off from the Typhoon but here we are.
As I say making these countries just a skin insults these communities especially Australians with them largely being within Britain with only one other vehicle being out side.
French, American, and other European jets have EW too you goofy goober
It can work with any rail that can fire aim 9L but is best with some adapter kit which is not available to anyone but the aussies
No really? Every jet has EW, Gripen E takes the EW to another level. That should be the main pursuit of essentially every jet manufacturer.
They are not constantly carrying ASRAAM you know. The missile is not part of the airframe.
I could also say that the F-15E is not historical because it cannot carry B61 nuclear bombs. So moot point
Something we agree on
really how it should work as things like that have special weapons that make them unique should be added rest should be skins