I see still annoying that they just won’t fix it.
it was on a british vehicle. Jaguar gr1a having the wrong RWR
yall think where getting a new rank soon since toptier premiums are coming
Do you mean the Skin on the wrong vehicle? As the vehicle, the Aussie Leo is, isn’t in the game.
Ok, It’s now a Skin on the Super Hornet, something Canada never used. It’s what you’re asking. (We can go all day, how any non-oprator nation skins are on the wrong vehclie)
So long as it can clap a tiger it should be fine really. Thats going to be the main “test” for it on viability. Most tanks are not as derpy armoured as a Tiger from all angles.
So many vehicles in the British tt are wrong
Legit most at this point.
If we are being honest there are multiple vehicles that would be dominant at their BRs if modeled correctly.
yeah im talking about tempest skin on leo 1a5
What do you mean new ?
Rank 8 premiums have been a thing since March last year
Wait, are you telling me that the conq has a floor plate irl unlike in wt for what, like a year? XD
yeah but the f18 is higher br
tigers super mid now
Not well versed in the conq lol but wouldn’t be surprised.
Not much higher than the Bison at 12.3
The Battle of Britain skins are nice and will always be better than the D-Day ones, 90% of the time.
Anything that can have to put on should.
How is putting an Australian F/A-18A skin on an F/A-18A the wrong vehicle?
Same for CF-18 since that’s an F/A-18A too
Top tier is 14.0 the Hornet premium is 12.7 currently on the dev server, it can face stuff up to 13.7.
So just 0.3 away from top rank, arguably the F-14 IRIAF is at 13.0 which is top tier.
Can you all cut the make every export a skin stuff stop please as it’s now going onto the Spanish Hornet too.
I’m fine with that
the british players are mad they can colonize other vehicles