Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

They could always have it as a skin for now. Then when ASRAAM is added make it an event vehicle

You do know that the Typhoon and Rafale more than likely have comprable EW suites to the Gripen E?

1 missile is not worth this assrams kinda dog water as far as i know

Not to mention F-35

Your about to get yelled at by British people online

thats fine

ASRAAM will most likely be the second best IR missile in game when it is added, maybe even first under the right conditions. Only one that will probably be more deadly is the MICA IR.

The weakest will be the Aim-9X and R-74

isnt it in game already ?

I think you want ASRAAM more than you care for the hornet going off of this. also such a cool thing being locked to events sucks

That is the SRAAM.

Though it should really be renamed the β€œtaildog” to save confusion


Now your just trolling

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oh dam

ASRAAM isnt SRAAM is tho

Bro, format your posts or add a tl;dr please


minor error i thought we taking about that funny sraam on harrier mixed them up my bad

Taildog for Tornado, Jaguar and Phantom when?


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SRAAM is a 2km range, TVC, all-aspect dogfighting missile developed in the 1970s.

ASRAAM is a 40km range, IIR, death ray which was developed during the 1990s.

For real. That would be so much fun. Especially on the Jaguar GR1 which is a little sad.

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Even in the 80 British harriers had jammers.

Yet alone air superiority fighters.

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Haha yeah, that would be good too. The one Im really hoping for is it on a Hawk. Combined with 25mm ADEN. That is a deadly combo