Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Maybe, but then much less people would buy them for GE I guess)

G’morning, @Smin1080p_WT ! Question; you said that Type 10’s steering had been fixed in 2.44+ versions, but the dev server is currently and it remains unfixed. All it takes is to glance the A/D key and the thing pulls a 180º turn, instead of turning normally like every other tank. May I ask, are you sure it was indeed fixed?

This is how it should actually turn, by comparison:


f18c early new br 12.7 arb

Meahwnile, F/A-18A sits at the same BR while lacking the best missile F/A-18C Early enjoys, AIM-7P.

Also; Dev Server update, all F-18s still have just 60 mere countermeasures instead of 120.

Oh, and they did not correct the enormous mistake of the turret baskets being a part of the traverse mechanism.

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Now this is quite unexpected. VT5 light tank being added but definitely a WIP with the 125mm gun. Should be an autoloaded 105mm rifled gun if I’m not mistaken. The ZTQ15 will be added likely in the research tree 2 updates from now so Gaijin can take advantage of the GE purchase of the VT5, or at least that’s my theory.


Yep, just as they did with CTWV RCV and ICV.


Su30 cockpit bugged after dev update, anyone else?

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Any news on the new harrier in the files?

Not on the sever yet sadly. I too am waiting/hoping for a good placement and armament.

Whats the diffrent in this harrier from other 13.0 harriers?

Yeah, depressingly it’s what I’m excited for this update with the distinct lack of F-2

Won’t be 13.0 for one, it’s the Harrier GR.7 trainer. Hopefully it doesn’t get 9Ms at sits at a lower BR. (Like the AV-8B night attack)


Still not in. Maybe delayed because it still has a T.12 camo instead of an appropriate T.10 one

Just following its Gr7 brother in being a last minute addition not even on the dev server probably


Oh yeah. I totally forgot that happened
At least it had a cockpit in the model when it went in the files this time

Thats good then, wont have the Harrier Gr3 Cockpit/HUD for 9 months

For me its that and Rapier this patch (major part of why I am trying to get 2 rapiers in the patch given how easy it should be for gaijin relatively speaking to just make an early/late addition, same model, same thermals, etc, just diff missile).

Though I would not be surprised if gaijin gave it aim9M and brimstone just to troll the community lmao.

Its only taken 2.25 years, but Im excited to finally play the Sea Harrier as it was intended. Lets just hope they action the remaining bug reports for it

That is also my big hope for the patch too, I have wanted fully hard hitting SHARs for so long, it will be amazing to finally get it xD

EEGS pls when xD

Heh, I just want to know the BR and load outs tbh. Need to gauge what setting to put the hype-ometer on

Yeah, or even just the removal of the sooty exhaust. Neither should be extensively difficult to implement