The Skink and Crusader AA Mk II are at their BRs due to their armor.
I absolutely love having planes trying to strafe me only to have them crash into the ground right next to me because they suddenly developed holes in their planes.
Odd- because I find CAS strafs it with ease. With its blind spot the size of the moon, mixed with the fact it has no ammo…
How are pieces of paper that high? (If the Skink isn’t 5.3 worthy, neither is the Bosvark.)
You can bait people into strafing the Skink and Crusader, and watch as they fall out of the skies. It’s how you play them. Yet far to many people give up before learning this.
I mean, if you get bombed, you get bombed, not much you can do about that.
About getting penned a lot, I feel like this has a lot to do with luck, but I found both of these SPAAs to be reasonably tanky against most gunfire from planes. Of course you’ll still evaporate if people bring the Mk103s with HVAP, but I still find the “tankiness” of the Skink and Crusader AA to be more valuable than the firepower of the imho rather clunky Varks.
@Smin1080p_WT Sorry to bother you at this busy time, but I was wondering if the devs would need anything from the community to assist in this potential project or if its something that was considered/denied internally?
Outside of the off topic bits, I think its shown with the likes and commentary to be a relatively popular idea, especially for SAM systems which do not often get too much traction and could be a great asset for WT and also help soothe/throw a cookie at the people who have been uppity over Indian SAM systems of the last patches.
Just didnt want to leave it and not be seen or worse, it gets seen late and gaijin doesnt have time to work on the idea for this patch/needed something the community could offer.
Thanks to the recently added soviet copy pastes, Britain has clusterf… of AAAs at 10.0 - 10.3 and nothing within 8.7 - 9.7 range. If you had plans to add Tracked Rapier, you should resign from adding Osa/Strela.
And I’m not even started talking about huge gap between 5.3 and 8.3. Will you put ZSU-23/4 there?
TBF the other Indian SAM systems have their own values to the tree. OSA having a sod off size proxy missile is great for those who do not have good hand control/good internet connections and effectively bypasses the latter problem extremely well.
If you have never played games with 300-700 ping before, you really do not understand the aggro of that kind of thing.
Strela is neat to have though similar to the Stormer with Stingers.
Rapier is great for those who have good internet and good aim, its filler is small and has high speed meaning you have to be precise with it or risk the missile detonating too far away from the target.
They all have their own values to them for different people, not to forget ofc, more choices = good.
I’m OK with it as long as it’s not unfoldered. Impact fused SAMs like the Starstreak are exceptionally bipolar thanks to Gaijin’s netcode. Many people (even in this thread) claim the Starstreak works great for them. Every time I try it out, I watch missile after missile pass through enemy jets unless they’re flying straight at me. Load up the server replay, and I get to watch every single missile sail merrily past the plane that was actually several meters ahead of where it was rendering on my screen.
Unless the netcode is suddenly fixed so that plane desyncs aren’t a constant occurance, I’d rather this thing be entirely optional so that no-one in my position is forced to unlock it if it won’t work for them. I’d advocate for switching the HVM and OSA for this reason too, up until the give the HVM Martlet missiles.
Yup, netcode is exactly why I suggested the options in the original post. Normally I wouldnt suggest squadron or premium on a vehicle but in this case I think its fair/valid to do as an option to keep it from being “in the way” for those who dont want it.
I just feel lucky to be blessed with a decent connection and no latency, I whole heartedly remember trying to use ATGM style systems in games in the 2000s with pings of 250-800. Its why I will never downplay people who have connectivity issues or force them to suffer (and advocated for an alternative to stormer every time it came up).
But yeah, foldered or premium would prob be the best options imo, even if it feeds the snail! xD
I’d say squadron vehicle is the best choice. There’s nothing for it to be foldered under that makes sense (Putting a ~9.3 SAM under an 8.3 gun based SPAA doesn’t make a ton of sense, nor an objectively superior higher tiered one). And due to the bipolar nature of the weapon, it probably won’t sell well as a premium either.
But it’s got just enough about it that’s intersting that people might want to throw some squadron research at it. It’s sort of the ideal candidate for a squadron vehicle, an off-meta pick with an unusual characteristic that makes it interesting, but also completely non-essential for lineups. No-one’s missing out on it, nor forced to grind it if they know non-proxy missiles don’t work for them. Won’t even take much modeling time either.
Frankly, I’m just grateful Gaijin didn’t force players to stock grind with the impact missile.
Please tell us that our voices are being heard by the developers.
We, the players of the British tech tree, would like to finally get a SAM for the 9.3 or at least for the 9.7 lineup. Since the Stormer AD apparently cannot go down in BR, an early Tracked Rapier seems to be our best option right now.
Edit: Well, please let us know when there are news regarding this then :)
Cheers for linking it, I was meaning to but er, yeah IRL has hit me like a brick today.
Dont know if I will be keeping up to date with potential updates on this 1 chaps. If anyone sees anything from the devs do throw it over in here for those hyped on the idea.
A missile SPAA is desperately needed for Britain at 9.3/9.7 because of helis. At this BR, helicopters outrange and outmanoeuvre any radar SPAA that does not have proxy fuse, and a less capable Rapier variant would be PERFECT to fit this role.
Yup, was meaning to update this, the sounds great, the lack of smoke on launch is great, the missile seems to be way more responsive/sitting on the scope better.