Split Tracked Rapier into a early/late standard (the hitile is born!)

So now we finally have the beloved tracked rapier in WT, I am curious how easy/hard would it be for gaijin to give us a quick early/late system for the tracked Rapier system.

Currently, the system is in a bit of a black hole at 10.0, where it will likely be forced to uptier into lineups where it fights hard against multiple other systems, especially those with a longer range.

My suggestion would be, if its possible, to get a quick and dirty early model with the hitile only rapier missile requiring a direct hit on target? From what I gather the modifications it has in WT currently wouldnt be different on the timeframes as the missiles are later modifications compared to those upgrades (such as the thermal optical system). Gaijin could also decide to remove the thermal system for balance also.

Basically, the upgrades came before the missile upgrades did.

As the system would be a direct hit requirement only, its BR should be relatively low to consider this issue, such as 9.3 (any lower and it would become unfair, even with a direct hit requirement). As we have relatively decent IR missiles at 9.0/3 which automatically chase targets, it might do well, might not. Gaijin can of course uptier it to 9.7 really necessary.

As shown with starstreak, direct hit SAM systems can have serious issues, so it should be noted in some way, shape or form to help reduce “the grind” to get through for players that specifically do not wish to deal with such a system, be it due to skill/capability or internet connection.

Within that, I would recommend 1 of the following options;

  • Reduced RP requirement vs BR/rank - make it relatively cheap to get through.
  • Foldered within the Marksmans systems, possibly after the other Tracked Rapier(?).
  • Squadron vehicle. I dont think theres any currently, would be interesting.
  • First premium SAM system in War Thunder, due to its limited capabilities, make it a sort of discount pack/GE vehicle? Put a warning on its store page that it is indeed a limited capability system so that people dont buy it on a whim without knowing? Gaijin makes money, people who want it are happy(ish), people who dont want it are happy?

With this change, it would mean that we see more use out of the model itself which imo is very well made and I think it would be a shame to see it in a reduced usage simply because of vehicles like Stormer or OSA being superior in multiple aspects at effectively the same BR (as again, no 10.0 lineup, so people will have to uptier or not use it).



It would be a real shame to only get a Tracked Rapier with the later missiles. An early one at a lower BR (9.3/9.7) would be extremely helpful for the lineup there


The demonstrative “highest efficiency” of the Rapier in the game, as well as all other SAM systems in the game, was demonstrated during Vyacheslav Bulanikov’s Russian-language stream. The MiG-15 received a direct hit from a Rapier missile and continued flying as if nothing had happened.

I propose to the highest masters of gameplay Gaijin to continue reviewing the balance and remove from all SAMs in the game the ability to shoot down aircraft with the first hit, even with a direct or extremely close hit by a missile. At the moment, this is observed only for assault and reconnaissance drones, high-level helicopters (AH-64, EC-665, Ka50/52, etc.), I propose that all aircraft become unkillable by the strong will of the players.

The highly respected @Pangolin_Fan will be the first to support this idea, it would probably even be better to completely remove SPAA/SAM from the game.

I just… I dont… what?

I just want a low tier rapier man…

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Naah this BiFox guy is really obsessed with me (I think he likes me)

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you know how well that is going with the stomer right?


Personally I have had no issues with stormer outside if it needing to hit multiple times (which isnt so much an issue with a rapier warhead), its why if you read further down, you see I make suggestions such as a much lower RP, foldering the vehicle, squadron it or make it a unique premium for a cheap amount.

That way those of us who want it can have it, and those who dont want it, dont have too much issue.


The Stormer might not be in an ideal state, but it’s not because of the direct hit requirement really.
A proper SAM with a contact fuze would be fine, especially at 9.3/9.7.

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Given how many SPAA we’ve already got at 10.0/10.3 I would be all for something that was able to sit at 9.0/9.3


I mean, I’d love to have both, but one below 10.0 would definitely be way more important than yet another SAM for the 10.7 lineup


Yup. Both would be best, but if given the choice. I think one at 9.3 would win


Its funny how Gaijin always adds an early version to things people DONT want, but when it could be something they do want, it never happens isnt it guys? XD


I down with have 2 versions, early and late. But at the same time i can’t see why the stormer AD is 10.0 when the gepard is 9.7 with 4 stingers ready to fire, better traverse rate, better anti ground capabilities, better mobility, better gun elevation etc they’ve put it at the same BR as the LAV-AD yet it has less missiles ready to fire, less mobility and doesn’t have access to hydra missiles for anti armour.


A 9.3/9.7 SPAA would be nice nice

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Having tried the Tracked Rapier on the Devserver, I am a big fan of the missiles current maneuverability.

If the missile is even remotely as maneuverable on release, then an early variant with only the contact fuze missiles would work quite well and be extremely helpful for the 9.3/9.7 lineup.

Yeah from testing I am having the exact same thoughts.

Now I am just waiting to see if the man, the myth the legend that is (insert dev name here who reads this) will give it a bash for us xD

Please, dear (insert dev name here who reads this), hear our prayers and give us an early Tracked Rapier!