So now we finally have the beloved tracked rapier in WT, I am curious how easy/hard would it be for gaijin to give us a quick early/late system for the tracked Rapier system.
Currently, the system is in a bit of a black hole at 10.0, where it will likely be forced to uptier into lineups where it fights hard against multiple other systems, especially those with a longer range.
My suggestion would be, if its possible, to get a quick and dirty early model with the hitile only rapier missile requiring a direct hit on target? From what I gather the modifications it has in WT currently wouldnt be different on the timeframes as the missiles are later modifications compared to those upgrades (such as the thermal optical system). Gaijin could also decide to remove the thermal system for balance also.
Basically, the upgrades came before the missile upgrades did.
As the system would be a direct hit requirement only, its BR should be relatively low to consider this issue, such as 9.3 (any lower and it would become unfair, even with a direct hit requirement). As we have relatively decent IR missiles at 9.0/3 which automatically chase targets, it might do well, might not. Gaijin can of course uptier it to 9.7 really necessary.
As shown with starstreak, direct hit SAM systems can have serious issues, so it should be noted in some way, shape or form to help reduce “the grind” to get through for players that specifically do not wish to deal with such a system, be it due to skill/capability or internet connection.
Within that, I would recommend 1 of the following options;
- Reduced RP requirement vs BR/rank - make it relatively cheap to get through.
- Foldered within the Marksmans systems, possibly after the other Tracked Rapier(?).
- Squadron vehicle. I dont think theres any currently, would be interesting.
- First premium SAM system in War Thunder, due to its limited capabilities, make it a sort of discount pack/GE vehicle? Put a warning on its store page that it is indeed a limited capability system so that people dont buy it on a whim without knowing? Gaijin makes money, people who want it are happy(ish), people who dont want it are happy?
With this change, it would mean that we see more use out of the model itself which imo is very well made and I think it would be a shame to see it in a reduced usage simply because of vehicles like Stormer or OSA being superior in multiple aspects at effectively the same BR (as again, no 10.0 lineup, so people will have to uptier or not use it).