Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

With PL-8Bs, PL-12s, and the great radar, it better be.

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This is unfortuantely true

aint no way they are adding the Soyuz-class this update, that thing is a ship built during the war lmao, seems perfectly accurate russia would get a blueprint ship from 1939, and it took them all of this time to add a dreadnaught from 1913… gonna be the same BR which is gonna be fun lmao

aint no way its a higher BR then the OSA and has worse missiles then the Roland at 9.7

Doesn’t it have a 420mm thick belt, compared to Iowa’s 307mm one and even Yamato’s 410mm one?

If I recall correctly, the % of armor mass on this ship was actually higher than Yamato’s.

And, just like Kronshtadt got the fastest, heaviest and most explosive 305mm shells, I can already expect the same from their 406s…

Oh god. Another soviet paper BB to dominate for the next 2 years whilst we wait on them to accept bug reports for it

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Genuine curiosity, since the consensus of replies seems to be no: what would be Russia’s equivalent to AIM-120C5?

It’s upgrade for IDS from what I read. Should finally bring nice quality thermals pod to Italian Tornado and maybe new bombs.
Edit: it’s for both)
“The final part of the project, called “MLU Full” or RET8, involved upgrading a total of 25 more aircraft (10 IDS and 15 ECR) with the new DASS control system, new radar warning systems and the ability to carry new weapons such as the ATK AGM88-E Harm and the GBU 39/B.”

If the leak list is true, we can say goodbye to F-14D.

Gaijin somehow managed to screw this holy placement:

F-16 B10/15 > F-16B50 >>> F-16B50+ > F-16V > F-35A
F-15A > F-15C >>> F-15EX > F-22
F-14A > F-14B > F-14D >>> F-35C
F-18A > AV-8B > F-18C >>> F-18E > F-35B

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F-35 has a better safety record than any other fighter in US service, you can check the accident rates published by the Air Force yourself

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Don’t even know if it’s worth watching the dev server or just getting the recap at this point. Probably won’t be any top MBT fixes either, but we will get a big deal made about map reworks

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Imagine thinking the F-15EX not being after the F-15E is “holy placement”.


fake claim invented by Indian newspapers

80% of the non-Top Tier jets-related showcase is going to be test-driving the reworked maps in one of the Tier 2 cars, mark my words.

There is still plenty of opportunity for the F-14D, even if it has to come as the 3rd vehicle in a folder there is room for it

I was only half wrong last time. This is going to go even further in terms of schizophrenic rantings and ravings. Maybe even a spicy document leak idk.

Wasnt the sovietsky soyuz so bad the Italian engineers turned down the idea of finishing its construction when it was captured in sevastopol or smth

I have no idea. But this is Gaijin and a Soviet paper vehicle. It will be meta

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yep, because gaijin has no concept of balance for naval and has decided that the soviets a nation famous for having the worst navy of the great powers should dominate for almost the entire existence of the game mod lmao

“b-but they were good ships” this is a joke


I have no idea how it was in real life.

I only know it’s going to dominate Naval until we get stuff like the Bismarck, Iowa, Yamato, etc.

Much like Kronshtadt dominated for a long time as well.