Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

something something “if they had been finished, they would have been naval legends” something something

wait, wrong game. That’s WoWS.

its a beefed up vittorio veneto, which also beefed up its problems, namely the ability to waste even more tonnage than German battleships, guns were fiat-ansaldo 381mm or its copies as well, which were notoriously inaccurate

so Laser canons in game then

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sounds about right



fixed it for you since its a soviet paper ship :3

but those earlier two has inclined armor, while Soyuz has vertical one. And also, her 420 mm part is only near the bow bulkhead armor.

her first shell room part is 406 mm vertical armor, second and third shell room part is 380 mm vertical armor. And as I said, it’s citadel is even higher than Kronshtadt, almost standard battleship level.

Gun… yeah gun would be her strong part, especially on penetraton compared to other 16’’ ingame. Cannot denied.
But it’s still 406 mm gun, we know how deadly unaccurate those guns are, and her reload speed is actually not much faster than Mutsu and Amagi ingame.

It will be super strong when correctly angled to bounce enemy shells, but we know we can’t always do that.

TGP with high field of regard, like NATO pods, but I read it was based of Platan and it might not have FLIR as result. There’s very little information about it, so we’ll just have to see tomorrow.


Not a lot of good enough footage for me to confirm if it has no FLIR or not, but likely if it is only one optic, it does not have it (like Platan).


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Unfortunately, Gaijin’s absolutely ridiculous connection of gun barrel length to dispersion means the Italian and Soviet long barrel guns will absolutely be more accurate than comparable models. Despite reality claiming otherwise.

i was just starting to start them, guess i’m gonna lost the few xp but happy to see that, it was boring to have to unlock 4 time the same boat with the sad 1x2 7.7mg

Oh, the first iteration had F-15E after F-15C as it is a direct upgrade, not a side effect

The soviet steel industry at the time was only capable of making plates like half the thickness, but Stalin insisted so the plan was to make sandwiches of multiple plates to create that thickness, which would have made the belt weaker than if it was made with just straight 420mm thick pieces of steel. Maybe Gaijin can model that weakness like how they model the effectiveness of RHA vs CHA

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Well its a copy of Italian cannons, sure gaijin is willing to sacrifice it to make sure the royal navy isnt dead last and stands above regia marina(ik this is like the least grammartically correct sentence but you get what i mean here)
They do however punch very hard, being the only sub-400mm naval guns to be able to pen 32in of armor steel

Well, on the bright side, I’m 99% sure that they are going to fix their accuracy, now that Russia is going to get their own 406mm guns.

Much like we didn’t get spall liners until T-90M was implemented lmao.


Correct. Unlike the clearly inaccurate Br*tish 15 and 16" guns on the stinky HMS ships. The 381mm guns on the Arkhangelsk is much better than those shoddy 15" guns of HMS Royal Sovereign.

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Also no M1A2T? Bruhhhhh

What do you mean arent them BL MK1s as well

Ugh. I apologise for being so… negative right now, hahah. I am just so overwhelmingly disappointed with so much that I could not really hide it.


Nah these are Russian guns which we all know are the best and most accurate in the world since it came from a nation with the best navy in history.


FOKKER DR1 when ?
425-17 | Fokker DR.1 | Germany - Air Force | Paul Stam | JetPhotos