Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

No more cursed than a Harrier taking off with a Catapult

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wheres my ME262-HG1 ???
Messerschmitt Me 262


Maybe some version of the F-4EJ Kai with AAM-3

neat? its just gonna be a harrier Gr7 with worse flight performance but it will probably still be the same BR due to Aim9Ms

I hope it would have 9Ls and be at 11.7 alongside the AV-8B(NA). Might have a slightly worse FM but the Harriers need an FM overhaul. If that came this update then it would likely be a lot stronger than the Gr7 is now

missing a bunch of CLIP variants as well for the challenger 2s lol

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Just like the nearly 100 missing Leopard versions xD

She was in the files last update, early war fit:

Something seems to be going under the radar, pun intended: " RET8 " is a midlife upgrade of the ECR antiradar aircraft operated by Italy.

Interesting changes to reserve Coastal boats. The " new " Japanese, British, and French ones are just variants of ones we already have ingame, probably w/ weaker guns than their current versions. German and Soviet ones are new though:



Assuming the R-77-1 does come and it does have like 80% of the range of a PL-12 the Su-30SM would be pretty decent.

Don’t get me wrong, they would still be pretty slow and struggle at distances but it would take their effective range from like 10km to 15km. That’s a pretty nice jump. There’s already people losing it because there’s 12 of them but that’s just people not using their brains. I think the EFT/F-15E will still be better than it, simply because their BVR performance is crazy when compiled with the AMRAAM. The Rafale will be a closer equal to it. I’m happy to see another nation getting a 14.0, and Russia finally getting something good since Seek and Destroy.

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so we had any conformation on what version of the Rapier we are getting? (or better yet if its gonna be thrown into the void of 10.0?)

Proposed BR is 10.7 so the 7km range missile as a guess

None yet

Oh… well. With Russia getting a Late Iowa-like ship, we obviously couldn’t have the U.S getting anything remotely close, lmao.

Once again, Russian navy will dominate ingame thanks to laid down ships even though it was virtually non-existant in real life.

“Too little, too late”, is U.S’ motto for Ground and Naval.

Welp, Naval is an absolute mess anyway. Not missing anything.


10.7 if this list is to be believed

Given OSA is 10.3. It wont be 10.7;. I hope Mk1 for 9.3

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Sureeeeeeee at least the base C10 is now TT

No skins for Finnish F18 lmao of course gaijin wouldn’t bother trying lmao

J-11B better be good bruhhhhhh

While seeing Soyuz as one of weakest among fast 15~16’’ battleships due to its fragile citadel(which WOWs modelling is indeed accurate), doubt it is right on this update as usually the vehicle first mentioned on Olivia’s leak is not going to be implemented in that particular update.

Never say never with Gaijin