Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It has countermeasure advantage too

They said they are looking into multi-vehicle/trailer systems and there definitely are options for most nations.

But i bet the Tan-Sam is the last one who will receive it!

That’s a pretty safe bet, I’d say lol

yeah so looking into it the Launch vic for Skysabre has everything it needs to work as an independent SPAA, instead of having a radar it has a EOTS the same as the Stormer but from the looks of it a far more advanced version so I would assume a far greater range

what is the missile under wing?

Yep, for the fuselage hardpoints on each side you have to choose between either taking 4 amraams or a variety of bomb options:


The 15E/15I also have to give up 120 countermeasures to carry the targeting pod, meaning 50% of the 15E’s and 33% of the 15I’s countermeasures in total. However that is a different topic.

Walleye 2 Guided bomb


A late variant of the Maverick

Edit: oh right, Walleye 2, not Maverick


aha agm-62

I think I might buy it in anniversary sales tbh. It might be the best US premium jet

It most likely won’t go on sale until Christmas

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Ah, I can wait then

I’d really like to know why some nations are purposely left with delayed vehicles.

Like France with the DF-105, PZH2000NL,
Japan with the F-2, while all nations receive a 14.0 fighter with GBU’s. Or domestic Japanese ordnance like the ASM, which can also be applied on their already ingame phantoms.

And GB with the Canadian or Aussi F-18.


Our F/A-18C should be a C+ already. AESA would be C+ late

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Isn’t France getting DF 105 this patch ?

France is getting the DF-105 in the upcoming update

About the Canadian/Aussie F/A-18, neither of those nations are subtrees

Yeah, but why did it have to take 2 years?

Hybrid mechanical-PESA iirc

The race is over lol

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