The J-11A is an almost universally disliked aircraft, I propose that it be foldered under the J-11 making it optional and simplifying the grind for the J-11B
- Yes
- No
The J-11A is an almost universally disliked aircraft, I propose that it be foldered under the J-11 making it optional and simplifying the grind for the J-11B
While yes the J-11’s should be foldered I think it should the J-11B foldered with the J-11A, it’s a 0.3 BR difference and whilst a much improved version I think it would be better if it was foldered.
Gaijin should start foldering vehicles with a small Br differences from the start, like what was done with the JA37D and DI. Not what they done with the F-14A and B where after over 1 and a half years they finally folder them.
Those have a pretty big BR difference, if anything that is more like the J-11 vs J-11A
All modifications of vehicles should be in folders except if it is a radical change.
The J-11B is the real substantive change, it is the one with entirely domestic subsystems, so while the BR difference of the J-11 - J-11A is bigger, the aircraft are fundamentally very similar, whereas the jump from J-11A - J-11B might seem small, there are actually significant differences between the two that just don’t show up in the BR
That’s what I said? Sorry if it wasn’t clear enough.
Well, I guess it’s cleared up now, my apologies.
IMO the J11A (MLU) was never worth adding, being nigh identical to the baseline J11 kits besides getting Adders. So yeah, would be nice to folder it away.
It’s “universally disliked” because it is unbalanced, although I see no problem in foldering it, what we need is the ability to properly balance it (and some others), because it just needs decompression. It is garbage for 13.7 but if lowered its going to create more issues since it has too strong loadout to sealclub in downtiers.
Having played the F-16D at 13.3, getting a 12.3-13.3 downtier is essentially impossible, but that could change in the future and create new problems. The J11A would be on the same boat.