oh you must mean the Su34 with also 6 KH38MT and a good chunk of AAMs my bad
Even then you have:
F-15Es/Is bringing a full A2G loadout in addition to their full A2A load
Rafales bringing a full A2G loadout in addition to an almost full A2A load
Su-34s bringing half R-77s and half Kh-38MTs
maybe he meant the Su-25SM with 4 ? Kh-38 + R-73
don’t forget the A-G loadouts for F-15E/I and Rafale are much weaker in both Missile quality and quantity than the Su-34s
Does that really matter when they still have free reign over the airspace without being really threatened by any SAM?
oh right the one no one brings anymore due to the Su34 lol
Depends on what you qualify as “full loadout”. Because in case of the F-15E/I you can only take full A2A loadout and half A2G lineup (limited to 6x 65Ds) or half A2A loadout (4x missiles) and full A2G (6x 65Ds + bombs).
well they’re not free to reign over the airspace
they cannot counter the Pantsir so they have to stay away from the battlefield if there is one, and tbh I don’t even know if they can detect the Pantsir’s radar
they’ll either die trying to damage the enemy ground forces or stay behind and be a more expensive SPAA
Oh, do some of the bombs/ATGMs block A2A pylons? Anyways, that still is a very capable loadout for doing both CAS and CAP at the same time.
I must always be in the matches where not a single Pantsir has enough braincells to deal with the CAS then lol
I don’t doubt that
it’s just that the combo of Pantsir + Su-30/34 is superior in every aspect to the combo ITO+F-15E
honestly russia CAS is only the best in the game due to the MASSIVE SPAA imbalance
we’ll yes
if western planes could get close enough to the ground to do things, of if the Russian CAS was just as blocked as western is rn then this whole argument would shatter
If only all nations could get access to CIWS…
Well, here’s hoping the next update after this one finally brings those promised better SAMs/SPAAs.
yep, yet gaijin still hasn’t added a single western SPAA similar to the Pantsir, local reminder btw the Pantsir has sat uncontested as the best SPAA in the game for 2 years in 5 days
But lets say, Indian pantsir is introduced, that doesnt make eurofighters the best cas in the game
Probably, yeah. At least from the few top tier games I played recently, CAS becomes much less of a nation specific thing in mixed battles. I’d even say it becomes less of a thing in general, with SAM of both sides and CAS of both sides being fairly balanced until there is one team that has won the game anyways.
no because the EFTs have some of the worst top tier AGMs because gaijin refuses to actually add them in a state similar to that of AGM-65s or KH-38s
here I go again
the main problem with this: There are none
the next range upgrade would be Stationary emplacements like Hawk and Patriot and those can absolutely not be added as player vehicles unless gaijin fundamentally revolutionises all gameplay principles of ground battles
thats just straight up wrong lol, Skysabre is right there, the launcher can work without a radar vic and has a 20km range, a nerfed SPYDER could also work perfectly fine for Israel