Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

XF-2 should have been released instead of the F-16AJ


when does the dev server open

in the past

I thought it was already open

The F-15I is in the strike/multirole line of israel to represent it’s role as a strike fighter

idk its letting me download the dev update so hopefully I can get in though

DEV already Up, but cant log in

Usually that happens to me when my wifi is too slow

Never knew you could embed twitch streams like that, the more you know

What is a Tornado IDS MLU (RET.8), and does it get AMRAAM?

right but the F-4E kurnass 2000 can’t be in the strike line despite it’s role as a strike fighter because…? also its just the strike line not multirole, because the middle line could also be called the multirole line

An advanced IDS upgrade, likely after the 1995

Still being worked on and in the interface too. However the old boats will remain for those that have them and be available for obtaining upon full research of rank I.

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The kurnass 2000 is in the heavy fighter line
And there is no ‘multirole line’ in israel because all aircraft past rank 7 are multirole

despite it being a strike aircraft

Is there a possibility you can answer this question?
Since i’m really curious.

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@Smin1080p_WT Are the F/A-18C’s CM count going to be increased to 120? They currently have 60cms instead of 120. The 3D model has the 4 x AN/ALE-47 cm pods modelled which have 30cms each. 4 x 30 = 120

Also will we see the BOL pods added to it which was tested? It tested the AN/ALE-58(V). It should add some 600 more cms to it. This BOL pod is also missing off of the F-15C too.


They have to develop those “many russian vehicles” first lmao


Is there any news about errors when logging in to dev?