Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It’s not though? A phantom with 6 AAMs and some mavericks does not make it a strike fighter, it’s just a fighter


China is in competition with britain as the 4th major nation what are you talking about?

There is sadly not much to answer here. We add vehicles for naval all the time and that’s not related to other desired aircraft or ground vehicles which are planned to come and will come in the future.

Because a particular plane or tank is not coming this major, thats not a reason to not introduce the Matsu or Type T-14 (mod.2). They don’t come at the expense of something else.

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they literally ripped out the radar missiles and radar illuminator and CALL IT A STRIKE AIRCRAFT


Do you know if this fix is being worked on or coming this dev server but haven’t been put on changelog yet?

I’m not against F/A-18, I literally mentioned it as an option for Sweden

Unfortunately its simply the volume all trying to log in at once. Everything possible is being done to stabilize the server, but its simply down to high numbers currently.


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I dont have any information on that currently.

Are South Africa getting a SAM this year?

Is it possible for Japan to just get a copy-paste thai fa18c for now? :3

Is there any consideration of adding BOL pods to US and Finnish hornets to help their abysmal CM counts for 14.0?

No it isn’t lmao, britain is far larger and denser than china, until the full PLAAF is represented then it’s nowhere close, China doesn’t even have a navy yet

But then why is Gaijin not putting that much effort towards surtain nations…
Like Great Britain, the US and Russia receive an average of 4-5 vehicles per update.
Other nations also have lots of suggestions and vehicles not yet introduced.
Yet the playerbase wants these vehicles too.

Are the Japanese, Chinese, Italian and Israëli playerbase not worthy enough to receive the actual vehicles they want?


So the falcons (missile) are next update as theyre not this one, right?

The RET 7 was finished in 2012, apparently:


The Basic IT Full MLU/ RET 7
contract was the second step of
the MLU programme and involved
fifteen Italian Tornado IDS aircraft
(including three dual control trainers). RET 7 deliveries were completed during 2012.
The third phase of the Italian Tornado upgrade programme - called
IT Full MLU/ RET 8 - is now under
way to cover a final batch of 25 IDS
and ECR aircraft. The aircraft upgrade include several software and
avionics updates. The new communication and identification system
use the latest standards of secure
communication capacities as well
as a data transmission/reception
capacity via Data-Link (MIDS).
The pilot and navigator cockpits
feature new multifunction display
suites to reduce crew workload;
the navigator cockpit features new
colour displays that replace monochromatic units and the internal
and external lighting systems are
compatible with night vision goggles. The electronic recce capacity
MM7026 6-35, 6° Stormo ‘Devil Task Group’
Mazar-e-Shariff, Afghanistan.
of the ECR has also been improved
through new functionalities connected with the threat identification
and localization (ELS multi-ship
The new software of the Tornado
“IT Full MLU” allows the integration
of new sensors and avionic systems and enables the use of new
weapons such as the Small Diameter Bomb (a GPS precision-guided
glide munition with a unique carbon
fiber envelope and small wings
which extend after release). and the
new AGM-88E Advanced Anti Radiation Guided Missile. The key external
differences for a Tornado MLU are
the removal of the conical antenna
on the spine and two UHF aerials
on the nose in front of the canopy
instead of one.
Italian Tornados are now painted in an overall Air Superiority
Grey Camouflage (FS-36280).
FS-36280 is a difficult colour to
obtain, as none of the more readily
available manufacturers include
it in their paint range. The only
manufacturer to include FS36320
is Lifecolor (Sky Grey 16 # UA535.)
Alternatively, White Ensign Baltic Dunkelgrau (KM 15) is also a

Thanks for the answer. Could you answer aswell if it is a mistake that the spanish tiger heli is listed as a squadron vehicle in the dev patchnotes?

So hopefully italian tornado with MAW, better RWR, Gbu-39s and some other goodies, maybe a GR4 equivalent to some degree

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