Is Gaijin confirming that most naval players are bots?
if you gonna nerf the horizontal drive for some tanks, make it for all, or dont even start it. (im not even mentioning the vertical driver on abrams that isnt even on the patch notes)
abrams already have a massive issue with the hydraulic pump (that is in the wrong place) and now this basket?
if i remember correctly, this forum voted for “NO” for stun mechanics, so why abrams is getting a stun mechanic? or you can do anything if you lose engine + horizontal/vertical aim?
They can’t even fix the other many bug reports for the Abrams waiting to be implemented that are over a year old what a joke.
I like it how it has jdams aswell meanwhile the free one doesnt :^)
Yeah, it hurts. They were right there and yet nothing.
Disappointed not to see any fix for XM8 and CCVL missing blow-out panels
It’s been almost a year since I made my report, and over 3 years since XM8 was added without it’s panels. Spookston made the original report over 3 years ago
This is really bad, it’s a critical survivability feature. The only reason why people aren’t screaming from the rooftops is due to it’s status as a rare event vehicle.
Are bombs also going to cause this?
Matsu, Grecale, and Warspite are wonderful additions, and the ship damage changes sound quite good too! Also nice to see reworks for three of the game’s best maps. This is shaping up to be one of my favourite patches in a while. :)
The S-38 is currently reserve for germany
No fix for the F-15E’s CFT when using missiles? They don’t work at all, it’s been bug reported with no resolution in sight since last year…
No EF-2000 changes…? Are y’all for real?
Community: “Hey Gaijin,the Abrams has a lot of things wrong,like the turret ring that is not volumetric,the inner turret cheeks generating more spall than intended and the hydraulic reservoir being mistaken with the hydraulic pump,all reports that you accepted months if not years ago,can you please add these changes?”
Gaijin:" Sure!" Adds the turret basket as the horizontal drive for the tank, crippling it further when hit by a single shot
Y’all are joking,right?
F1 — ballistic computer for the rockets and guns has been removed. Source: 技術教範 操縦と戦技 (F-1) Section 6.
Excuse me?
Also where is T-2’s RWR? or the GCS-1 for T-2/F-1/F-4EJ Kai/F-4EJ ADTW?
Wheres the ASM-1 for T-2/F-1/F-4EJ Kai and EJ ADTW?
Where is the removal of the Ostwind II and Zerstorer 45?
why is japan constantly getting cucked over constantly?
also are we able to get access to the source: 技術教範 操縦と戦技 (F-1) Section 6.?
Breech/Trunnion now counts as vertical drive as well.
Honest to God if they don’t add this feature to literally every Top Tier MBT ,NATO or non-NATO, with this update there’s gonna be another review bombing
Stop with this “Two weights,two measures” Gaijin,we are not children
Could anyone send a photo of all the new naval vessels please?
Both of these issues have been fixed:
EFT radar producing ghost targets: Community Bug Reporting System
Radar repeat top and bottom bars in scan: Community Bug Reporting System
As well as several others for EFT systems.
Have they fixed the Type 10’s suspension bug? thats been present for 2 years now?
Have they reinstated the T-2’s RWR?