Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Su-30 in main fighter line but not F-15E in F-15 line lmao

Isn’t there rumors the F-2 is under development

What does this mean on the DEV Server, never come across this before


The leak said that it might be delayed, turned out it wasn’t even planned. So instead of Japan receiving their first 14.0 Jet, USA go their 2nd. Talk about correct priorities

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Because F-15E is a strike/fighter bomber whereas the Su-30SM is more of a multirole fighter

f18 isn’t even 14.0 worthy

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yeah well we all know why its there and there is no point debating it as its not going to move nor will gaijin hesitate to do the same thing in future.

Neither is J-11B but here we are

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Everything is planned in the “future”, yet we are still waiting on our designated Strike Aircraft which were in 2022 planned for “the future”.

Like… i would really want to know the reasoning behind adding just another 3.7 boat for Japan, eventhough they know, that almost no-one is playing naval, let alone Japan naval.
Gaijin has stated that Japan is one of the least played nations in the game, then why is Japan neglected so much? If you only add 1 to maybe 2 vehicles per update, from which 1 is a boat, you are not going to increase the playerbase for Japan. Especially not with the addition of a fully C&P sub-TT.

So, does Gaijin want the playerbase to NOT play Japan and instead go for other nations? Like, how does it work, because the way that Japan is treated right now, Gaijin is not going to increase the playerbase for Japan.
Same can be said for France, Italy and Israël.


F-15E is literally a multirole, i have said this before but the only reason it is a “strike” aircraft is because the USAF say it is, unlike say the MiG-27 to the MiG-23 there has been no reduction in air to air systems. like other than the extra two tons of titanium they added to the wing box which you would do anyway if you were making an aircraft multirole

@Imperator-Faber fr, i love my strike F-4E in the fighter line, but the F-15I in the fighter line? no chance.

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In the dev-server patchnotes says that the reserve boat for germany, russia etc. have been replaced but it isn’t the case for me. Are the boat still not ready?

Demonstrably untrue if the data mined stats were correct. A faster, better maneuvering missile with range isn’t better than an aim120 in some categories. It’s better than it in most except BVR ability where the aim is just better in range.

It’s planned to come when other aircraft with similar capabilities get added
What are those aircraft specifically, who knows?)))))))))))))))))))))))))

will Israel be receiving ground vehicles this update?

Its all about the $$$$$. Gaijin logic: No one plays Japan → less money from that tree → less priority → fewer additions → no one plays Japan → repeat

These were added one patch ago…
The F-2 prototypes could have been added with the Gripens…

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same problem

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Yeah, they have to get out of that repeating circle.

The prototype F-2 could have been added shortly after the F-16’s were since they dont have Fox 3 compat

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China, Israel and Japan are the triad of struggling nations in war thunder, constantly under-represented and buggy, then when they do add stuff it’s either broken (in a bad way) or it has a single patch in the spotlight before everyone else gets something twice as OP
(Eg. F-16AJ and F-15JM for a while, J-10 for a month and F-15I for another 4 weeks, now all 3 nations are mediocre)