Imma still wait for the French tier 7 premium, or whenever object 292 goes to crates and might as well grab the excelsior lol
Yeah adding the old Finnish Hornet that lacks HMD which is quite essential and make it a 14.0 while the American one gets all bells and whistles, really poor judgement, it doesn’t seem like they’ll add all 3 iterations of the Finnish Hornet, so maybe they’ll save MLU 1 as a premium to have us grind MLU 2 whenever that comes
Yeah absolutely. Phimat isnt even an option for airRB since it doesnt even fix harriers IR issues with more countermeasures, but also replaces a missile.
Just suffer with 60 countermeasures because “balance decisions”
when is the hornet sting update?
Yeah, the only advantage is that it allows you to run pure flares internally whilst still having chaff, but I doubt the need is overly great to have chaff in anything but a full uptier. in SB, I dont think its needed at all in 11.3/11.7 brackets as you can just exploit MP
I made a poll, its realistically the only thing we can do to try and get gaijin to change their minds, i know its a longshot but at this point anything is worth a try
But yeah, this BOL decision has changed my decision from pre-ordering the T.10 to waiting a while.
Yeah no thanks. Compared to the AV-8B(NA) - £60 for a worse FM, no BOL, worse gun, worse A-G weapons, only 3 missiles if you want to carry 60 flares which will do almost nothing against a rear aspect missile (even a 9B). Oh an also the same BR as the AV-8B(NA) AND it will now regularly face F/A-18A’s and F-16A’s in uptiers which 11.3BR almost always is.
But we get a title. Honestly I don’t think as it is currently it’s not worth it even on 50% sale. I wanted to get this after seeing it turn up in the files but with how mishandled it is I cannot justify buying it at all.
Im gonna be honest, with the flight model buffs itll be able to hold its own, im worried that those rouge IR missiles that you take defense action against and it STILL hits its going to just be annoying. Whereas BOL would allow you to preflare a lot more comfortably. And without it, ehhhh
Yeah, T.10 needs to be dropped to 11.0. Its weaker than the FRS1
in SB, its just gunna be playing pure defensive because the Mig-23MLDs will just eat you alive
Either drop to 11.0 or just give it BOL and keep it at 11.3. One of those need to happen. If not then I can see this being removed by next update.
Yeah not even 0.3br away and issues arise… really hope it drops to 11.0 before live
I also hope someones is reading this, hello whoever that is lower br or add bol k thanks :)
in SB the Mig-23MLD is 11.3
Oh brother, ive only really played the GR.7 in sim (and hardly, its difficult with keyboard and mouse) but i was looking to getting into it with the T.10… eww
When the Harrier Gr7 had 9Ls and 4x BOL (pre-BOL nerf) it was at a comprable BR to the AV-8B(NA) is now and wasnt an issue and only 0.3 BR higher than the FRS1.
I just cannot understand their logic behind this massive nerf which is so massively unbalanced
Also the heavy airframe compared to the regular GR.7! Im pretty sure thats enough of a nerf, BOL cant even be an issue since you could run the AV8S(or A) with 240 countermeasures at… 9.7! Why would having 380 (2 bol) be an issue at 11.3?
I cant really think of a good British plane for SIM. Maybe F3 AOP in a 13.3 max matchmaking day and that is a big maybe.
@Smin1080p_WT I know you’re going to say that the Devs read people’s responsed and feedback and do listen to some of it (past community experiences screams otherwise) but please can you just pass this along.
£60 for the T.10 is ridiculous in this state. Honestly it’s not worth it at 50% off in the sales. It should either get BOL and stay at 11.3 or it goes down to 11.0. It’s simply not going to sell and will more than likely be removed by the next update. That’s time and money wasted from making it in the first place.
True, +1 from a big harrier fan. Pre order from me if EITHER happen