and for Steam version:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\War Thunder\Cache
and for Steam version:
while I agree, saying its gonna die is just wrong people have been saying “its gonna die real quick” for years now and its still kicking, hell on steam the game has only been getting more active players if you go back to 2022 the games max peak players is the average amount of players we get daily now
So when do ya’ll think the update will drop?
Around 2 weeks? maybe later? I dunno, I don’t keep track of this sort of stuff.
most of the players are probably not even real people cough naval farming bots are flowing back day by day and the very much currently needed decompression to 15.0 or even 16.0 is a must. 11.3/11.7 facing hornets with many times superior armaments is worse than usual compression bs
Probably next week somewhere.
Won’t guess the day specifically because I guess wrong every time, so why bother.
We’ll probably see the Jag and the Buccaneer go up some point soon, so I don’t think Gaijin computes that to be a problem, (The wanted to move them up before when the current 10.7 line up was 10.3, and only held back when it was pointed out the move would gut the 10.3 line up, as the 10.3 is now 10.7 I don’t really see why they haven’t changed that).
Hopefully we’ll see the Jag IS move down though. I’m not sure a single extra LGB is really worth +.3 BR
Eh, top tier CAS is extremely compressed IMO, you can’t really put the T.10/AV-8B (NA) at 11.7 without basically murdering them. For example using the British tree as an example (ground BRs):
9.7 - Jag GR1 / Harrier GR3 - No smart weapons, limited RWR, limited countermeasures, rear aspect IRAAMs
10.0 - Nothing actually
10.3 - Jag GR1A / Buccaneer S2B - Limited LGBs, trading either bad RWR for better TGP or better RWR for bad TGP, expanded countermeasures suites but still limited in the IR department, rear aspect IRAAM and guns or all aspect no guns.
10.7 - Nothing unless you want to use Fighters with dumb bombs
11.0 - Jag IS - Limited LGBs, still a bad RWR, better TGP, same countermeasures as 10.3, all aspect IRAAM with IRCCM
11.3 - Tornado GR1 - Expanded LGB & Guided bomb loadouts, Great RWR, 10.3 TGP, Great countermeasures suite but still limited IR wise, all aspect no IRCCM, supersonic but with poor acceleration.
11.7 - F-111C - slightly limited LGB & Guided bomb loadouts, worse RWR than Tornado GR1, better TGP, average countermeasures suite but with great flexibility, lots of all aspect no IRCCM missiles, supersonic.
12.0 - Harrier GR7 - Similar LGB suites but now with IR ATGMs, Great RWR, 10.3 TGP, Great countermeasures suite with great flexibility and the option to bring a lot of countermeasures, 4 all aspect IRCCM missiles, subsonic.
12.3 - Tornado GR.4 - Similar LGB suites, but with improved guided bombs and a boatload of LG-ATGMs, Great RWR, Great TGP, Great countermeasures suite with great flexibilty and a MAWs, 4 all aspect IRCCM missiles, supersonic.
12.7 - Gripen - Great GPS bomb suite for SEAD, limited ATGM & LGB suites, Great RWR, Great TGP, limited countermeasure suite when carrying ground ordnance but still good, IRCCM missiles and ARH missiles make for a good cap platform though you have to give up ground ordnance for ARH, supersonic.
12.7 but should be 13.0 - Typhoon GR4 - Great LGB+GPS bomb suite for countering SAMs and a boat load of LG-ATGMs, Great RWR, Great TGP, Great CM suite, IRCCM missiles and ARH missiles without compromising on ground ordnance for an amazing swingrole, supersonic with great acceleration.
I wouldn’t say a harrier is as good or better as a Tornado or F-111 in GRB, but at the same time they can’t really go much higher themselves with out becoming completely irrelevant, (and TBH the F-111C already is). The US and French trees have the same problem IMO, RU at slightly lower BRs. Other don’t simiply because Gaijin have forgotten to add cas to them.
hmm, a little sooner than I expected, very nice.
I get what you are saying…would you say the F22 will out preform the Su30? I think we can all agree that managing the TVC is the key…with guns more so.
Now…when we are talking HOBS missiles…it’s no contest whatsoever. Whoever can get their HMS on first wins! To much separation and you’re done!
Uuuuummm, I need that title :/
IKR, despite the lack of BOL those bonus go hard
ADD BOL DEVS so i can pre-order it!
waiting for the dovbleg I suspect
60 quid for a worse harrier… what a rip off
Genuinely cant believe its not got its BOL and theyre charging that much…
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Hopefully once the update drops and new players nab it a terrible loss rate they will change their minds. I also imagine lack of BOL would get reported constantly on the bug report site.
Nah Deathmisser just doesn’t care since its not a nation he cares about so of course hes not gonna waste his time looking at what this effect actually means. Clearly we should be grateful we are getting the worst Hornet and if we wait 6 more updates when the F22 is here the MLU 2 will be here and the MLU 1 will be never seen…
Even with BOL its gonna underperform for a premium attacker, i dont see the AV8B(NA) doing exceptionally well (unless im in the seat, been popping off in that today)
Should go down to 11.0 with the SHAR Frs1 or get 2 BOL in the dedicated missile pylons (hopeful i say it enough times it becomes reality(im loosing my mind))
Ah, another Type 74