ive had enough of this game??? balance tho right!
That’s a weird looking F/A-18
Yeah the F/A-18s seem to be going through a bit of a mid life (identity) crisis
Was hoping for 10.7 as that’s the highest I’ll play grb. At 11.7 this would have to be paired with a challenger 2 and that’s just not fun. 😞
Bro why the hell would it be anywhere near 10.7? everything with a Thermal pod and F&F missiles is at least 11.7 in ground RB iirc.
at this point just give the mig29 its og FM with the R73’s and remove the R27ER because it never carried it
id say the mig 29 would be alot more enjoyable and balanced like that, the mig29 just has aged poorly and now the HORNET IS 12.3!? ik its dev an all but cmon and hell the premium hornet is 12.7 same br as the mig29 despite it being better in every way except top speed
Same BR as the AV-8B NA at 11.7 and worse in almost every aspect is a joke, also the picture is WIP id assume?
How are people supposed to fight a hornet in kurnass 2000 or JH-7A? I am utmostly appalled. Hell even the F-20 seems like a big question mark and M2KCS4 and MiG-21 Bison better pray they got their IRCCM missiles on target. All of them 12.3 as well
Edit: I forgot the chap named tornado GR4, it will have no chances. This thing would fight a Su-25 too if it wasnt dropped down to 11.7.
A lot of the new aircraft seem to have incorrect statcard and tech tree images, it’s kind of funny to some extend.
worse countermeasures
worse air to ground (mainly for sim, 6 guided bombs vs 10)
heavier (tandem cockpit config adding more drag ad weight)
worse engine (1000kgf less thrust)
worse cannon (subject to preference but the GAU-12 has tracers if thats your thing)
the one thing it does better is rear facing MAW system, but this is almost negated by having 3x LESS IR countermeasures, the one thing the harrier needs with its poorly modeled IR Signature
I would assume gaijin is still getting a lot of changes through. There are a lot of new model as well, so they might be spreading devs too thin.
A-7K is 11.0 with Mavs + TGP, but I think they mean remove the ATGMs, leave it only with LGBs so it has a lower BR. Even then it’d still be a little dicey.
I can understand the want though, I’m generally not a fan of above 10.7/11.0 so a lower BR harrier II would be nice as I quite like the Harriers in general, but not always their BRs.
itll stay at 11.7 in ground RB since thats where the 65G comes into play
i can see it dropping to 11.0 airRB and Sim too just due to how many things its got WORSE then the AV8B(NA)
The Devserver did get extended to there’s a good chance of it.
Oh I don’t blame them, dev server is always WIP after all. It just looks really funny.
Fair enough, I forgot about the A-7K. Probably forced it out of my memory because of all the pain I went through trying to stock grind it against mig-29s and F-16s.
I don’t blame them either, and a good cas aircraft for the British 10.7 would also be really nice. With LGBs only it 10.7 wouldn’t be too outlandish (see A-6E), but with thermal pod and 65D/65G it should be at least 11.7 imo.
I’m glad I spaded my Kurnass 2000 when I did. I was saving the GR.4 to spade when something came for the UK that I wanted but I guess I’ll just spade it now because I’m not playing it when it will always see a Hornet.
Come to think of it I’ll spade my GR.7 too, that being the same BR as a Hornet is just wrong. Sure it has 9M’s but it also has a broken FM, broken BOL flares and no ability to flare a 9B with it’s broken heat sig. Nothing about the GR.7 justifies it being the same BR as a Hornet.
new pre order on store
Everyone who saw the VT5 having 7.1s had a stroke, even though we know it was just a placeholder ZTZ96A stat copy, we all had a stroke still
Doesnt the MiG-29 have HMD with the R-27ER? Im not justifying the F/A-18 being 12.3 I just remember it having HMD and being really good at 12.7 the last time I played it