Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


Its really funny. What I want from air more than anything is new maps and a gamemode update, but they just add vehicles (no new SB map in 2.5 years)

What you really want is new ground vehicles but all they give is new maps/updated maps


Yeah, still annoying though.

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Oh, so its you! The huge bug report regarding American reloads! One even tech mods acknowledged as something big that could change everything.

That was so long ago even then, I’m not sure Haijin WANTS to change it even if it should be changed; just like the nuclear shell rooms, which they ended up officially admitting that they knew it to be unrealistic but did it still on purpose for “gameplay reasons”.

I don’t know why I found that as funny as I did.

It’s those interested in Indian stuff; it’s the sub-tree problem. The same problem would happen with a tree officially made out of a number of nations. Everyone wants to see their tech, but there isn’t enough room.

It’s why we need this: Subtree Rework - Nation Folders
sooner then later.



I mean, the reworked maps are nice, but shouldn’t be detrimental/mutually exclusive to vehicles.

Specially highly needed ones, like 122 counterparts (yes, we are still at that stage…) and SAMs to counter the increasing floods of OP C*S.

Or better yet; fixes for the already ingame ones.



Hong Kong sub-tree for UK when?

Well, so far all trees are named after either singular nations (Germany, Italy, etc) or political territories (USSR, USA, Great Britain [as in England, Scotland and Wales, not the Commonwealth])

So it would be unlikely for Sweden to be renamed to Nordic and Kalmar Union would be even more unlikely

It certainly feels that way at times. For as long as they said they needed a primary source from the 30s to change it you’d think the official fleet report for the year would’ve been just the smoking gun they’d asked for. Feels more like it had been a convenient excuse and they either don’t want to have had egg on their face for years or just thought they structured the requirements as to be impossible to change period.

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Was more so making a joke but i guess im not suprised you didn’t get it

Referring to Kalmar Union

J-10/J-20 for the UK TT when? Gotta collect all the Canards for the collection

Do you mean nordic defense council

Yes. There was a bug report once where they replied that “American reloads could not be bugs because they were a balancing factor”…

Like WHAT!? American BBs taking 90 seconds to reload while Scharnhorsts and Mutsus take 25 seconds is “balance”….!?

And once it was clear how absurd it was, it suddenly became a historical matter.

And now that the historical matter was proven to be wrong too, the documentation just happens to be insufficient or wrong too.

Skill issue on our part- should have grinded the superior Russian (lol) / German / Japanese trees instead.


AN/AAS-38A might 1.5 gen thermal

But I don’t know AN/AAS-38B it’s 1.5 gen or early 2nd gen thermal

The early 3rd gen thermal, my guess

Dont worry. I think Rodney is due a relaod rate buff this coming major :P

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New Olivia leaklist includes R-77-1 and PL-8B so I want to create a new poll. What will be the most competitive aircraft (only new aircrafts for this patch)?

  • Su-30SM with R-77-1, PESA, and TVC engines
  • F-18C Hornet with AIM-120A
  • J-11B with PL-12 and PL-8B
0 voters

Will have enough to make a canard line.

Egypt just signed a deal for J10CE and was recently delivered :V
For J20 since you didnt specify chengdu so there is the reggiane 2001(Sweden designated as J20) but idk are any captured by the allies