You know what, im not sisyphus and this topic is looking ever more like a big rock.
So how about we all just quiet down, stop wasting our breath because neither side is backing down, and lets just shut our mouths unless its about literally any other topic… or until the trailer drops (likely later today)
I’d honestly sort of agree, though there should also be a way to make researching the same type of vehicle again cheaper.
Say for example an internal grouping that holds all M24s (excluding major modifications that affect performance too much), the first costs the full RP price, each one after gets -10% (example) cost to the price of the last. So for example you research the US M24 for 40.000 RP (made up value), then the Chinese M24 only costs 36.000 RP, then after that the Italian M24 only 32.400 RP etc.
I’d also really like to see more minor variation. Like slight visual changes to the 3D model based on the nation, maybe different stowage for ground vehicles, or different shell selections based on what each nation used. The same with aircraft too, so for example not every Gripen C is the same, but they get nation specific loadouts.
Exporter nations could get everything they used, tested and offer as compatible to export customers, but no foreign modifications.
Importing nations would get everything they themselves used and tested.
All of that wouldn’t be too big of a change, but could make a difference. For example I might be more interested in researching another Sherman if it gets a different round, looks a bit different and costs less RP to let me build my lineup faster, compared to a full price copy of something I already played 8 times.
Maybe, MAYBE, we will get a glimpse of 3 seconds of a ground vehicle as it’s being overwhelmed by a swarm of enemies as it begs for air support for one of the planes to show off its perfectly balanced C*S capabilities by destroying 15 tanks in one go.