Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Teaser when?


Well I can change that for you now, I did it for the Mirage III, and the Mirage 2000

Let’s not try to deceive ourselves- the majority of modern jet enthusiast Top Tier Air players grind trees for their Top Tier Jets and nothing else.

So, if a Top Tier Jet player who grinded U.K has also access to the Top Tier jets of five, FIVE other trees, they have no reason to grind any of those- because no, the trees having “a plethora of unique vehicles” outside of the BR ranges they play means nothing to them.


I agree with this but lets be real now what else can the UK get?
Top tier wise we are now on EF fixes and evebtually Tranche 3/4 Typhoon.

In the meantime there are lost of F-15/16/18s still to be added.
Numerous Su-30/Su-27 and Su-35 to be added.

This means Britain/Italy/Germany and France really dont have anything else to add in that area. We return to the Russia gets a jet, USA gets a jet and then Russia gets another jet.

German aviation tree:


Are you guys getting a sub-nation?


Most people play Air RB to level their jet for mixed battles.
Oh yay Britain gets a Rafale…but I still have to use a CR2 to spawn it…

Su-30 is less egregious as it has hardly any Russian systems on it.
With the majority of avionics being replaced by European contractors.
It also uses unique weapons…“Why should Russia get access to a Meteor?”

I have a feeling that we might see the f-18 devblog this afternoon. The update teaser/trailer in the evening and the dev stream/server tomorrow.

I think F-18 will be revealed on the teaser, and we will get the dev blog tomorrow, just as it’s shown on the dev stream, hahah.

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F-5T and F-16A OCU are some of the most interesting aircraft in the tree, and both also have the most bugs. Missing CMs, missing suspended armament, AMRAAM that shouldn’t be there but give inflated BR, F-5T is even missing part of the wing.
Alpha Jet TH they picked Phase 1 so they didn’t need to add new cockpit and Maverick missiles, F-5A is missing it’s main service missile (AIM-9P) that the ROC F-5A gets at the same BR because they just lazily copied the US one, and many more issues as well.
And all of that despite avoiding new airframes like the A-37B, T-50TH, AT-6, AT-28, OV-10C among others…

Thai tree had so much more potential than people gave it credit for, Gaijin just didn’t use it


Hopefully this year, hopefully there are lots of new subtrees this year

What other tech-tree in War Thunder can have this lineup?

Or this one?

The answer is none. Those lineups are unique to their respective tech trees, despite one or more vehicles being copy-paste.

BTW those lineups have more copy-paste than higher BR lineups.

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I wouldnt worry about it, not worth the paper it is printed on

I’m unfortunately ready to watch ~2 minutes of the F/A-18 pulling random manouvres later today, complemented by 20-40 seconds of possibly Su-30 stuff.


I grinded for the alpha jet :3

also waiting/hoping for the CM.170 Magister

And I would do it again just for the Rafale :P

Unless they add Indonesian Rafale to Japan, that would be the ultimate move )))

Anyway, hopefully we need popcorn later today.


A single week? We’d be lucky to get a single DAY without the massive copium from nation mains.

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It feels like Pacific Rim at this point. Breaches are opening quicker and quicker. The incursions are getting more frequent. It was weeks, then days, now hours.

I don’t want to know what happens once we reach a Cat 5 )))


I don’t watch Pacific Rim enough to know the reference, but it feels more like a zombie plot where more and more people just gets infected with the copium. Eventually the zombies will devour all the sane people and you’ll also become one yourself (((

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Reach Cat 5… copium from mains… I was joking about adding a top tier Russian, French and American plane to the UK all at once via sub trees man! It isnt worth it, even if it would be amazingly funi!

Its time for the daily ritual