Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Pls snail tease now


Paint. net enjoyer spotted!

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Before the dam breaks and the english horde overruns us


Because it’s what Rafale, SU-30, F-18, etc, concern… which is what people on this thread has been asking for

“We deserve to have 6 top BR jets from 5 different nations other because, you see, we got the respective subtrees… that means it’s fine for us to have 5 additional nations worth of top tier jets.”

Yep, for like the last 15 years or so haha

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Not all of them, but thanks to India being a subtree I’d expect we get at least 2 top tier jets from Russia or France.

And if they won’t do that then yes I’d want the F/A-18

Though I’d rather get rid of India in exchange for Australia or Canada


Anyone keeping an eye on the YT playlist?

At this point im surprised Smin is retaining his sanity with what mate has to put up with daily.

Bold of you to assume I have any left.


We got one of the best fighter jets in the world… U.K needs nothing else, unless it’s to just be able to enjoy the flavour of other nations without having to actually put the effort to grind them.

JAS-39C came when it was needed; EF was still too strong and there were no native options, so it was a reasonable addition. But these proposals of SU-30s, Rafales and F-18s?

At this point we should unify all tech trees ingame and call it a “world tech tree”, so that no one needs to grind new nations.


I like subtrees as a concept, even if it spreads out airframes, but I think exporting nations need the benefit of getting armament offered for export, which means they get the largest selection of armament.

This is sadly not what Gaijin does, for example all Gripen Cs are armed the same (except R-Darter on the SA one), which just feels weird to me, and actually does take away the appeal of playing Sweden. Now if the Swedish one got access to the wide variety of air to air and air to ground weapons that are offered for export, while others get their nation-specifc weapons only, this could be different and also make each Gripen more unique (even placing them at varying BRs based on armament).


If there aint none you sir should get Oscar nomination cause you put up bloody good act

can we hope to see another little snippet of the update say on average 2-3 minutes of it?

You still tunnel visioned on one aspect of the discussion

And not on the fact that I and others have been talking about how sub trees as a whole getting vehicles these nations operated.

It is not my fault you chose to narrow your view as such in this topic.

I also find it hilarious how much the loud majority (which fun fact it aint the U.K. horde), is ignoring the fact that a lot of the people asking for vehicles rn, are people from those countries who want to see vehicles they associate as theirs in the game in nations they feel best would represent that.


whats the chance for a teaser today


decent nearly 1 week since first devblog and its a thursday plus some leaks said we might see a dev server soon

The UK didn’t need India, but we got it, and if we have it we might as well make it worth something.

Again, I’d rather not have India in exchange for a Commonwealth Realm, but it’s here and it should be treated like any other subtree.

The OV-10 was the aircraft i really hoped they added with the Thai tree. Would be pointless but so cool too see. SUCH A SHAME sub-trees are “to fill gaps” (ie, copy paste slop) rather then just adding every vehicle. We should be holding gaijin to this standard but instead people freak out over Britian getting a rafale?

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What I hate about india so far is that they refuse or lack the ability atm to give britain the unique indian tanks like their mbt, jets or light tanks