Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Do we have the confirmed leak list to hand ??

well the one that people deem to be the correct one thus far ?

We have 2 lists, Mike and gszabi


We have small chance to get something additional behind this list…

More than small, the lists are quite tiny.

Still a little hope for skyranger or marder 2

Still hoping for a 13.0+ premium fighter.

Still hoping for the Gnat and the Hawk


JL-9 as well, but it would be probably too advanced in terms of avionics and would face supersonics regularly

I mean, most Hawk variants would face be guaranteed to face supersonics as well, so it really is just a matter of the armament to balance the lack of speed

Seeing as there are like what, 10-12 vehicles on both lists combined? there likely will be much behind these lists.

About how many weeks till DEV Server / Stream?

Maybe this upcoming Friday or next.

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I believe that there are still some brand new vehicles to come personally. While the lists “look” big, there are few new models shown for now.

Most likely we see devblogs now until the 27th where we get the teaser and then Dev Stream/Server starting from the 28th.

That’s normally how it goes with the teaser and Devs coming the next week after the first blog.


So what you guys think about-which line f18e is end up in usa and any news about a6e swip, other export f18’s, and british sam?
Im feeling lazy to scroll up and search for the what i just said

Either F-14B or AV-8B+.

I think F-14B would make more sense; but AV-8B+ would be more organized (so we would have 2 + 2 + 2 Rank VIIIs per line instead of 2 + 3 + 1).

Besides, that will make the F-35B grind more streamlined in the future, if it is to be added to that line. Going from AV-8B+ to F-35B would be quite a jump, hahah.

So my final two cents is the AV-8B+ line.

My best guess regarding the future is:

-F-16 line: F-35A - (airforce variant without thrust VTOL/STOL capabilities).
-F-15C line: F-22s - (air superiority fighter).
-F-14 line: F-35C - (heavier and larger variant).
-Harrier line: F-18s and F-35B - (lighter navy aircraft).
-F-15E line: Silent Eagle - (strike aircraft).


There’s probably going to be multiple variants of the F/A-18 over time and I am pretty sure there is bound to be one in the F-14 column and one in the AV-8B column.

About the F-35B, if we even see all three F-35s getting added I would expect that to be foldered with either the F-35A or C

The column with the AV-8B isn’t just navy stuff tho

Was it confirmed somewhere that the F/A-18E is being added or is that just what you think is coming?

Not confirmed per se but from a trusted source


Ah, aight, hadn’t seen that one yet

Also, bruh, why the Harry Hopkins? Is that some cruel joke to spite all the people asking for more WW2 vehicles?

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