Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

If they only modeled the post Mach drag correctly the r-77 could be decent but since they haven’t it’s pretty mid, I do enjoy them still but they are definitely lacking in bvr. Also past Mach only a small portion of the grid fins are in the airflow due to the pressure from going Mach, if they fix that the r-77-1 could be a decent upgrade but as of now they won’t be much different except for the sustainer

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They buffed the flankers FM, and they already did a broad balancing to most of ARH missiles back in July '24. If you still ask for buffs after that, then changes to other missiles, including the Derby and the reversal of artificial nerfs made to the 120 should be considered.

But i guess you’ll be happier with the current state of affairs.

In my opinion I didn’t mind the flankers fm pre buff but that’s not what I’m talking about, it’s the unnatural amount of drag the r-77 has post Mach. Due to the shock cone from exceeding Mach, only a small portion of the grid fins should be in the airflow but currently the whole fin is which is why it has so much drag. I don’t mind the r-77 currently but as it stands the 77-1 won’t be much different without that fix

You have to wait till the picture is uploaded


I think the Legacy Hornets will be after the AV-8B+ but the Super Hornets will be after the F-14B. Legacy Hornets served alongside the F-14’s, replacing the A-7’s as the Navy’s strike aircraft. The Super Hornet replaced the F-14D in service so it would make sense for them to be split in this way.

But yeah other than the F-18’s I think this is pretty spot on.


Also the aim-120a’s and b’s are preforming pretty good compared with irl claims and with the possible introduction of the c-5 which improves range with a new motor and aerodynamic changes I feel at least they should try to rework the r-77 before we get the 77-1 as the sustainer on the latter will boost its range a bit but still fall quite short when the burn ends due to the drag. Now I do agree about the other missiles that have been nerfed for “balance” especially the AAM-4 as they would outperform the current aim-120’s we have but with the c-5’s coming I hope they buff them as well. The derby is just a slightly enlarged python 4 with an arh seeker so basically an arh fox 2 so unless we get the derby-er not much they can do there

Sorry, for some reason my progress in uploading photos is always 0%, anyway it’s a picture of what weapons FA18C can carry (in the game

Nothing is “confirmed” except what we’ve seen in devblogs (Warspite).

Both of the leak lists we have so far are from reliable sources. They get a lot right, but there are usually gaps- stuff they didn’t cover but is in the update, and stuff they say is coming but doesn’t show up in the update.

The reliable leak lists are about 80%-90% accurate.

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CLOVIS premium for Germany makes sense. 8.3 light tank with 105mm apfsds + 20mm autocannon to support the similarly specced Turm III in “premium” lineups.

Now, why give this to France and not the AMX 13-105? The Dutch would have been a good 8.0 premium to support the AMX-30 premium, in the same BR.

I DONT want to start a fire, but it sounds like the French are getting crumbs from others.




You are not starting any controversy. I mean, France tier 7 premium is long overdue.

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France is getting it because Gaijin thinks not giving them one would start another DF-105 war

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1000 replies unread… what did i miss?

No mention of the Gnat or Hawk, so nothing

“bla bla Germany suffers bla bla.” Did I summarize that well?

France could also just get both the clovis and AMX 13-105


What did i miss??



Lemme guess, this?


nothing new for japan except pillow spam.


Wasn’t that confirmed fake before or am I mixing that one up with another one?