Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Oversimplification of the century.

Gameplay wise what other differences would there be

PL-8Bs and different engines.

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like that isn’t a massive upgrade?

You’re also forgetting that there is the potential for WS-10A engines on the J-11B which are a decent bit better than the AL-31s the J-11A has

I’m pretty sure it’s got the same engines and gaijin is really reluctant to add pl8b’s so it would just get regular pl8’s.

The J-11B is about 700kg lighter than the Su-27SK, has a new and better engine, has one of the strongest PD radars, the Type 1493 radar, and a modernized RWR, as well as PL8B and PL12.

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better engine, better missile, better radar, better RWR, better enough, canard is not so important

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This is war thunder we’re talking about, it’s gonna be the same weight and only have regular pl8’s. And even if all that is true and they make it accurate it’s still not gonna be better than the j10a.

Canards are cool

The only way it won’t is flight performance, however it’d still be good in that regard.

It’ll be the best Flanker in the game, likely better than the SU-30SM too given the missiles are significantly better though that is yet to be seen, and there is a decent chance that we do get PL-8Bs, it looks like Gaijin were already planning on adding them with the J-10A, and with the Eurofighter and Rafale now dominating, it would be the perfect time to do it

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Their roles in the game are different. So I’m going to say you’re wrong. The changes I mentioned have long been prepared on the Chinese forums. The Chinese players are ready for a heated debate match with Gaijin.


Just like the heated debate about the j10’s air to ground loadout, the j11a’s radar, the jh7a’s everything, and the f16a mlu’s aim120’s?

Because none of those went anywhere and they’re all still wrong.

That’s a gaijin thing. If it weren’t for the fierce resistance of Chinese players, do you think the J-10A would be as good as it is now? Or do you want to make Gaijin realize their mistake by keeping the players silent?


It’s better than it probably would have been, but it’s still not accurate.

Still, forum protest can be effective.

And the J-11B will be a nice upgrade over the J-11A, not to mention finally getting a Chinese Flanker with domestic weaponry, since it’s long overdue, would be good

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No modern equipment in this game is accurate. There will be endless complaints from players in every country, and there is no point in arguing about that. The only thing I can make sure is to make something as accurate as possible. If Gaijin didn’t deliberately make a mistake on the J-11B, it must have been a good plane, it’s as simple as that.


To be fair they also like to make very obvious mistakes in the past. Best you can do is prepare to bug report every possible aspect.

I only hope that the J-11B will come. We’ve got the relevant preparations.