Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

if the GR4s BR doesnt change. I may very well rarely play the GR4 in Sim, regardless of brimstone performance.

At 12.7, its gunna suck to try and evade Mig-29s and F-16s all the time and in the uptier bracket of 13.0. It will be evading F-4F ICEs. (I cant even really bring the FA2 either now because that will be DOA trying to fight the ICEs)

what is this, iog do have drift problem so it cant work like fnf.
My friends tested it, it seems have high drag, so loses speed quickly until subsonic. 14km with 315m/s in average, though much faster than AGM65

as it currently stands the GR4’s BR in both ARB and GRB make no sense.

The Paveway IVs are definitely interesting but they can’t be used like JDAMs because every time you hit the “drop bomb” button… it re-activates your laser pointer even if you manually shut it off… meaning that any bomb you dropped before the next one will deviate to said laser point beforehand and be rendered a miss.

The Brimstones are… tragic, I tested them for a few hours and they really is just nothing good to say about them beyond “they do good damage if/when they hit” but the issue is the platform they’re on at the BR its at cannot get close enough to use them safely. (unlike some other top tier CAS I could mention but I dont wanna beat the dead horse)

The Air to Air performance is a joke. It’s got a worse flight model than the ADV, less CMs, worse CM placement, but because it gets an HMD and 2 9Ms (btw the A-10C gets 4 9Ms and an HMD at 11.7) this vehicle is 12.3 while the ADV which is just… better in every single possible regard is 12.0?

I’ve never before this update have had the stance that a vehicle just shouldn’t be added at all, and this vehicle has pushed me to that stance.

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There is what Id expect at a minimum, in that if the laser was turned off at about 4-5km from impact, they would just keep going to impact the last known location and there is what its like in game, where if you switch the laser off at 4-5km to impact, they drop like a rock out of the sky and fall short of the target by a significant distance.

Yes the work in progress should allow you to use things in grb for testing

I think there is a setting that switches that off

well if there is I can’t find it. I manually toggle my laser off and it still turns on after your bomb drops.

And you’ll get to test it when its ready for testing.

difference is AGM65s can travel further because they dont detonate after 60 seconds (and they’re FNF)

Fun fact despite several staff members mentioning “20km” range, I’ve pushed this plane to the point of having its wings rip off at nearly mach 2, and even at mach 2 the Brimstone wouldn’t come CLOSE to 20km. This missile peaks at 16km which… surprise surprise is less than the KH-38 which is also almost twice as fast… can be guided through smoke… has a larger blast radius… is on a better platform…

It needs to be 12.0 in ARB/ASB. Then it would be fine. It has some lovely QOL upgrades over the GR1 which would be nice in Sim and I normally just play the GR1 at 12.0 due to the lack of bluefor fighters at 11.7.

But yeah, like a lot of British vehicles of late. A Tragic representation of what should have beeen a very capable vehicle

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Btw I’m still fully awake and still got energy lol

Air battle setting > Enable laser designator before launch

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my thing is they stopped allowing planes in grb on the dev like 3 dev servers ago

but yeah it’s a spit in the face of British players (who historically have been shafted) to say they cant even get a nerfed FNF version (which there is a precedent for btw) added due to being “too strong”

While the F-15E, Ra’am, and Su-34 proceed to shatter the ceiling of CAS planes and set a whole new level of absolute insanity. Only the big boys are allowed to break the game like always.


the worse part is I can see them giving us the extra 6 Brimstones now and pretending like that will fix all of its issues

I would trade 6 of the 9 brimstones we have now to have those 3 modeled with their FNF.

in its current state this is a somehow worse (for its tier) Su-39… but at a worse BR

it’s typical IOG drift, but I don’t see the necessity of let IOG take final control

Typical for missiles not for bombs. Bombs if you cut the laser pretty accurately land where you last pointed.

Yeah… Su-34 is about to totally strong GRB with 6x FnF KH-38s on a agile, supersonic platform that can also perform effective CAP.

but na tornado Gr4 is so strong it needs to be pre nerfed in to the absolute ground