Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Right, gunna call it, thats fake.

Sea Harrier FRS1e is at 10.7 with 2x Aim-9L and 60 CMs. 0 chance the AV-8S is at 9.7 with 2x Aim-9Ls and 240 CMs.

Either that or the BR is wrong and it should be 10.7

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Or this is just a placeholder, the br would be changed anytime


Another bias : P

we are clearly a game of balancing right

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If Su-34 can get 6x KH-38, then can JH-7A get 4x KH-29s instead of 2x like it can irl?

so i’ve heard. is that really it?

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As its not even on my dev server client, its entirely possible. But id guess 10.7 if it is placeholder

As far as I can tell from Aoi’s screenshot, AV8S is probably using AV8C’s chasis (ok, actually av8a) currently, which might explain why they have the same br
and eventually it would go to higher br when fully finished

The AV-8S is a Spanish export version of the AV-8A that was sold to the Thai navy. So that makes sense


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BTW, all leo 2 gains a nerf in test server, that they now would be forced to raise it’s barrel when turning backwards at ehh, 142.5 degree (used to be 160)

*proximately at this angel in test server

*what it is in current server

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Well i just spawn light tanks spawn Gripen fast as possible and get rid of them right after they spawn
seem it only and i enjoy it when Russian main send PM to me like “FY air spawncamp”
lol i guess it well deserved for them

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Yeah, Id just do the same but with the FA2

Why cant we use the 117 in ground rb on the dev, thats the whole point of it

@Smin1080p_WT hey Smin could you please relay if the av8s is really coming this update? Also I must ask the dreaded question how has your day/night been?

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so how are the brimstones? I’ve heard they have a terrible arc of fire, they track like hellfires so not very well and i seen a clip of it taking 3+ brimstones to kill a single T72

I chucked some clips in the tornado thread to look at, but to sum up.

  • They are really slow, better part of a minute to travel from 14-15km away
  • They self destruct after 60 seconds but take around 80 seconds to travel from 20km which really hurts there range
  • Like Hellfires, the IOG doesnt work… At all.
  • They might be somewhat usable as psuedo A2A weapon.

Not touched GRB and things are always different in that, but in test flight and ARB its 1 hit kill though, quite good for low level hit and runs at close range rather than as a long range stand off weapon.

Tornado GR4 overall is okay. the FLIR is going to be quite nice in Sim though.


Its a Work-in-Progress dev server

so its kinda as I feared, their guidance time massively limited their range…

so lets see

no FnF
the LOG is none existent
sub 20km range when listed as 20km+ range
Terrible flight time
Terrible arcs of fire

yeah these things are just worse then brining 4 PGM 500s and using the FLIR to get pretty easy 4 kills


My hope… They are 100% placeholder and just C&P Hellfires at the moment, but if things dont change, yeah, i’ll basically never run them outside of the rare time I need an AGM to deal with a SPAA or something in Sim. If i didnt need a tpod as well. Id consider just taking 3 in every sortie as a psuedo short range A2A missile, but I cant take tanks + 1x base kill + Brimstone, just not possible unfortunately

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yeah so gaijin achieved their goal of killing any hype at all for the brimstone shame honestly