There is 3 ways to use the GR4 in GRB whilst making use of the Brimstones that i’ve figured out so far
Use the Brimstones as decoys. Spam them off towards a Pantsir but left to IOG to guide close ish. Use a PGM fired after the swarm for the kill shot. No total gurantee it will work everytime, but I think it will work occasionally, especially when coupled with generous amounts of CM usage
Dont use them as stand-off weapons at all. Fly low and fast, using them more like guided rocket pods. They seem to be quite good when used at close range, and hopefully some buffs like prox fuse will enable them to be highly effective against helis as well
Dont use them for SEAD at all. use the PGMs and ePaveways for SEAD. Use Brimstones for anything else when you can close in a bit.
As for SIm… They will be niche. Due to the BR, loitering for mutliple passes wont be advisable. ePaveways will be the most effecient way to deal with battlefields and PGMs probably will be more effecient and safer vs the convoys.
Im hoping we might soonish see some SEAD objectives in Sim, which might have a use for the Brimstones. But then again, ePaveways would probably work just as well. The lack of FnF to wipe out convoys is why im most sad about the Brimstones. But things like the FLIR and HMS symbology is gunna be nice in QoL boost in Sim if nothing else and the ePaveways do look like fun,
Overall though. Im really hoping they upgrade the Brimstone 1s to Brimstone 2s. The new motor will give them much better range and make them much faster when used at closer ranges. Also we’ll have to wait and see if they ever fix their guidance time, 60s is way too low
What, not like python 3s are 1 flare resistant. Maybe considering the fact that they have magic 2s which are maybe among the best IR missiles in interception and the IRCCM are for sure useful, plus, not like Mirage F1s can’t base bomb.