Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

MICA IR is one of the major upgrades relevant to the game. But probably no.

Do we even have ground based AESA? Im pretty sure pantsir and PGZ09 both employs PESA.

PGZ is not a confirmed ESA radar. In game it is a MSA radar.
PESA: Pantsir, Tor, ZA-35

Does this get the M1 package? From the looks it has the old radar and I don’t see the new sights on the top.

Bottom photo is photo shop, never actually went anywhere.

I am aware

Who can guess the Plane.



2 Mig 25 “Foxbats” reappearing on the 70th anniversary of the Algerian Revolution.
Algerien decomisioned their last Foxbats in 2022.


Sorry, I’m a little behind being in the US and all, big day yesterday. Update tomorrow?

Indian AESA Shilka would be funny for the UK.

Tungaska on the otherhand i am agaisnt purely because there are other more fitting SPAA that can fit in that br range (Tracked rapier)

No server maintenance was announced, so I guess next week then

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Tracked Rapier will be 10.0 or 10.3. Tunguska is 10.7 (Why?)

No, next week.


What will be the GE cost of the F-117?

I mean given the history with sub trees here, I wouldn’t expect it to be any different. Also another reason I’m personally not looking forward to a sub tree and would rather they just add vehicles one by one from whatever suitable nations to fill particular gaps.

Probs about 7k GE

ME262 is 6.6K at 7.0
Su-22M3 is 7.3k at 11.0.

So at 10.0 I guess around 7k

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Ah thats great, because I’ve got just about 8k available XD


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I said BR Range for a reason. And i would throw the tracked rapier into my 10.7 lineup anyways regardless of if it ended up at 10.0/10.3 as thats were all the chally 1s are to begin with.

I just dont want soviet SPAAs in the british line up unless they are actually filling a gap

Yep same, which is why I am annoyed at the OSA addition as they could have and should have added tracked rapier first.

But at the end of the day it is what it is and OSA will suffice for now.

im just not gonna use it out of principle I dont think we should be getting soviet tech even if they have just copied an indian flag onto it