That is a valid reason not to get them, but also, we need some hard counters to Pantsir. Now Brimstones have been dashed for that
Dumb bombs only
AGM-65 integration was applied only later on with Peace Rhine. We cant assume F-4F got tri-mount AGM-65 capability when these jets initially had no AGM-65 capability at all. Germans upgraded them with Mavericks and provided this capability with single rails only. There’s no evidence suggesting FCS being able to operate with six Mavericks or tri-mounts at all.
I don’t worried because know gajin increase BR for ground RB & SB higher 12.0 someday
I might wait gajin add AGM-130A & AGM-130C for F-15E in the winter 2024 or first major update update 2025
And in the future gajin decompressed max BR to 13.0 or 13.3 for strike aircraft and Multirole combat aircraft in ground RB & SB mode ?
I can cope lol
Really? So why does the IAF F16C, which shows Gaijin the photo of AGM65, only gets a sentence “Not a Bug”?
You will only be sophistry without admitting that Gaijin has indeed implemented double standards in this regard.
Update when?
There were some bigger enhanced paveways found in the files as unused models.
Seeing as the RMV already gets the 500lb version iirc, these will probably also go to the RMV.
Yes, a lot!
T-50TH Golden Eagle,
L-39ZA Albatros,
A-37B Dragonfly,
OV-10C Bronco,
Model 139WSM,
I mean it does say “forwarded as suggestion” so maybe there’s some hope, but then again it is a minor nation so it might take a couple of updates for that to even be considered.
He might confirmed
So is there any evidence that the F-16s and F-15s exported to Israel have been castrated from the combat capability to launch the AGM65?
If not, then you don’t need to reply to me.
Yes but not as many as other ASEAN Nations.
- T-50TH
- RTAF-5 (Indigenous)
- AT-6TH
- F-16A Block 15 (e)MLU
- Alpha Jet TH (Phase 2)
- OV-10C
- F-5E SCU
- F-5TH
- L-39ZA
Not counting AV-8S as its already confirmed, could a few props, but there is mostly only C&P left. Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia also have unique modifications or dedicated variants of their equipment.

But I never saw F-15E (USAF) armed GBU-15(V)21/B
from USAF official website
Then there’s also the Enhanced GBU-15 bomb with added GPS/INS nav system
Heres hoping gaijin doesnt just go the finland route and make anything unique prem/event only. If they did that id rather they just not add the TT then.
so what is the uk getting all together then? the scimitar which is pretty cool, a worse BC because we needed one of those, an OSA which I guess we needed a 3rd 10.0-10.3 SAM, and then the disappointment that is the Gr4, they could have just given the Gr1 a better pod and the IR PGMs and it would have been arguably just as good as the Gr4
Thing is the aircraft in the picture is F-16C Blk 30 while what we have in game is F-16C Blk40 and F-16D Blk 40.
When it comes to F-15E, it removed AGM-65 capability later into service. By the time first F-15I got delivered (1998) F-15E’s would’ve served for 10 years already. Also we cant forget that F-15I got multiple changes compared to its American and other versions.
Why ask for Mavericks when SPICE 1000/2000 and Popeyes exist? Ask for that, especially SPICE which could go to F-16C/D and F-15I.
they could have just given the Gr1 a better pod and the IR PGMs and it would have been arguably just as good as the Gr4
Right. GR.1 then would “only” miss:
- HMS + AIM-9M
- Better Engines
- Paveway IV
- Brimstone
- Probably even more, I just don’t remember now
Perhaps most people here think IR PGMs would be a wonder weapon but sadly this isn’t true. What they would add to the game over TV ones?
One of the main weakness for TV PGMs is the fact they are incredibly slow. How IR PGMs will change that?
so what is the uk getting all together then?
- Tornado GR.4
- Scimitar
- Ram II
- Osa-AK
- Super Hind
- HMS Repulse