Gaijin can do what they want
Last I checked Sweden and Italy had the same
What would an upgraded IDS bring to Germany
OSA is nice SPAA for the UK and allows us to actually get a tech tree Indian vehicle
Maybe when SEAD comes you can get your “better” IDS
Even though I’m not in a position to unlock the Indian one anytime soon, that camo looks absolutely awesome.
Osa is nothing more than CnP addition unlike IDS ASSTA 3.1
God forbid Gaijin has to put a minor amount of effort into making their vehicles
Any new vehicles in recent dev update?
Doesn’t mean I’m going to give Germany a free pass. If a Swedish main said the same thing I would also give them shit.
I guess so. This 2A7V’s barely aimed DM53 suffered straight through my right turret cheek killing both the commander and gunner, leaving me a free kill.
So much for tanks of the same BR being at least somewhat close in capabilities.
And what reason would they have? They already got top tier CAS and air.
wot looks with wt symbology (not in a bad way)
multiple nations have gone without top tier cas and air at times only way to avoid this is to play us,ussr
just the UK OSA I think.
Still cant get over giant “MISSILE” written on it missile banks
An Indian Osa was already within our future plans and a skin was already ready in preparation. Based on feedback, this was something possible to revise and implement quite quickly.
Yes and I am exercising my snail given right to complain about it, just like every other WT player has done.
2.2 GB for one vehicle seems to much there must be something more, maps?
also, isnt 10.3 km for the 9M33M3 a bit… short?
Thank you very much i found it odd that it wasn’t coming with the rest
i guess you got a few more Indian vehicles planed down the line then